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World Food Safety Day is observed on June 7 each year to raise awareness about the importance of safe food and to promote efforts to ensure food safety globally. It is a collaborative initiative of the Food and Agriculture…

Health & Fitness

Why Eating Healthy Really Does Matter

If you change your eating habits for the better, you should see a big difference in just 28 days. Yes, it’s actually possible! What we eat can affect all the processes in the body, including cell regeneration, inflammation, digestion…


Wellness Hacks To Start Your Day With!

Happy Tuesday Amazonians and Warlords! Today, let’s talk about our morning routine, because let’s face it, many of us can improve on this one. The truth is that your mornings dictate your entire day.  By practicing a healthy morning…

Fashion Steph's Lounge

Guard Your Peace

With so much going on in our world right now, it’s easy not to recognize small wins and blessings that keep our lives going. The news has been awash with reports about the Coronavirus pandemic and other related tragedies…


5 Healthy Changes To Make Today

Committing to a healthier lifestyle is one that will take a lot of work. But believe me when I tell you it’ll be worth it! These five simple lifestyle changes may seem small, but they can lead to big…