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Beauty Features Lifestyle


We celebrate cosmetologists and all the people who make us look beautiful on this day. Let’s take out time to acknowledge the multiple disciplines of beauticians which include: skincare, makeup, manicure/pedicure, cosmetic surgery, electrology, hair care, and other forms…

Beauty Blog Features Steph's Lounge

What’s the colour for the season?

Summer is here! Colours are out with a splash! What colours do you think will rock Summer of 2023? See what we found: Soft-Blue: represents relaxation. Butter Yellow: represents sunshine and warmth. Magenta: represents self-expression and boundless energy. Green:…

Beauty Features


We’ve heard that Shea Butter is good for us – well, it’s true! Shea Butter contains ingredients that balances oils on your skin (linoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic fatty acid). It also contains Vitamins A, E, and F, including antioxidant…


Skin Positivity, Not Skin Perfection

I’ve had many women talk to me about their insecurities when it comes to their skin – from dealing with issues like acne or blemishes to not feeling confident about their skin color, the list is endless. It seems…

Beauty Lifestyle

3 Simple DIY Face Masks You Should Try Today

When it comes to skincare, I’m definitely here for natural products. You can get some of the best results to stubborn problems like dry skin and acne by simply mixing up some ingredients you already have in your kitchen!…


Stephanie’s Tips: 10 Secrets For Great Skin

Everyone wants glowing, flawless skin. But for many of us, it’s hard to get there, especially when you have , dryness, oily skin, and more. Today, I’m going to let you into 10 of my best secrets to healthy…


Ladies, do you know these 3 beauty hacks?

 Hi Ladies, Let’s discuss beauty today, shall we? Not every lady is a pro when it comes to makeup application, that’s why it’s good to know a few tips and tricks to achieving a great look always. Here are…

Beauty Lifestyle

Common Skincare Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Hey SL Fabz, Let’s talk about our skincare today! Whether you spend just 30 seconds every morning or have a dedicated pre-bedtime ritual, practically everyone has a skincare routine. Everybody wants to have a beautiful skin because it has always…

Beauty Lifestyle

How To Make Coconut Oil Lip Balm

Hi dearies, When it comes to beauty products, sometimes, natural and home made stuff are just the best. As ladies, the first step to taking good care of our lips is by giving it the moisture it deserves. I…


Home Remedies For Treating Split Ends

Hi SL Fabz, I hope your day has been great so far. It seems growing long and healthy hair is hot topic here so I promise we’re gonna discuss it more in the coming weeks. In my last post…


Get Your Groove On! Alluring Lipstick Shades You Could Try Out

Everyone knows the wonder a good lipstick does, especially the iconic red lipstick. But many women – regardless of their skin colour – usually have challenges finding a suitable colour that suits them. Here are 7 lipstick shades that would look…