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Hot Topic: Would You Marry A 30-Year-Old Man Who Lives With His Mother?

Hey lovelies,

A young, unmarried friend of mine approached me with this question some days ago and I wanted to share it here to know what you think.

Here is the scenario: The lady is in her mid 20’s and ready to settle down. The man is 30, met her at a work-related event and they clicked immediately. They’ve been dating for almost a year, met each other’s friends and are getting ready to take it to the next level by meeting each other’s parents. His father is late and he is an only child, hence, his closeness to his mother. His mother also has some health challenges and he’s been taking care of her since he lost his father 5 years ago. It’s never been an option to leave his mother and he never thought about it until she raised some concerns. According to him, his mother will live with them if they get married and he’s not going to change his mind.

What would you do if you were in this situation? Would you go on with the relationship and eventually marry him, knowing you would be living with your husband and mother-in-law? What would you advise this lady to do?

I’ll love to know what you think. Please share your comments below.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Racheal Edward
    October 26, 2019 at 3:10 pm

    Not a good idea!
    He should get someone to stay with his mom and he can visit and she can visit from time to time but not to live with them. They need privacy and time alone to plan and live their lives

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