What have you heard about FEMININE ENERGY? Let’s explore the qualities.
Feminine Energy is the nurturing traits that connect to human beings in a meaningful and fulfilling way. It’s compassionate, kind, empathetic, patient and emotional. It’s about embracing your intuition and creativity. Feminine energy is fluid and free and nurturing.

Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play, and attune to your internal process.
Here are some of the qualities of someone in tune to their feminine side:
- Intuitive
- Heart-centered
- Compassionate
- Wise
- Accepting
- Forgiving
- Collaborative
- Reflective
- Creative
- Sensual
- Kind
- Gentle

Awakening your feminine energy can be incredibly empowering and essential to your healing. When you tap into our feminine energy, you are making yourself receptive to experience greater abundance, creativity, and happiness in your life.
If you acknowledge these qualities in you, embrace them. xoxo.

culled: selfhealjourney, mindbodygreen,
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