Hello Stephanie,
I am a student schooling in a university in the southwest part of Nigeria. I am in my second year. I am actually squatting with someone I know from home – he used to stay in my neighbourhood before his parents were transferred. He is older than me. The issue is, he gets involved in a lot of trouble and I feel this will affect me also. He takes drugs, he smokes and drinks a lot. He always has one new girlfriend every week. Countless times women have fought in his room because of this. One time I got injured in the process when one girl threw an empty bottle to another girl. The pieces almost cut my eye.
Now, I suspect he is also a cultist. I have seen him with dangerous instrument before. He is very shady and I know he steals to sustain his drinking habits. He experiments on too many bad things. I don’t have any money to get a place, and I don’t know anyone else whom I can squat with. How can I stay away from all this trouble and still maintain the free accommodation I have? I have slept in class before but that is dangerous because thugs can come there and steal anything from you or beat you just for the heck of it.
What can I do? I’m very worried.
1 Comment
Racheal Edward
October 22, 2017 at 2:23 amYou are in your second year….
I’m sure you have made a few friends…,
Ask them for help
Also try talking to ur family about the situation…. U never can tell… They may know someone who might know someone that may know someone that could help…
You can manage in the school hostel…
I’m sure it’s not that bad