If you wish to make this year your best year yet, you still have time to make it happen. August is here! A fresh new month – a fresh canvas. Ask yourself: Are you going to paint a masterpiece? You have to be more productive!
Here are a few ways to approach the month:
Write out your Goals: What have you accomplished this year, so far? Write them down and compare them to where you really want to be. Then start addressing the points that you have procrastinated. When you kill procrastination, you are sure on the right path to winning. So first off, confront procrastination head on!

Focus on the setbacks: They advice you not to focus on your setbacks, what they really mean is: you should not be obsessed with setbacks or ashamed; but you must focus on these setbacks, because most of what you need to conquer is laced within the mental corridors of your setback. Do the hard work of knowing why these setbacks happened, and be honest enough to know how to work on them.
Engage in smarter meetings/conversations: Time is currency. Too much talk and too little action contribute to your overall poor productivity. Always find the essence of a meeting and don’t partake in long conversations that drag on forever, wasting your time.
Take care of your body and mind: Take time out to exercise; feed your mind and your body with the necessary nutrients they deserve. No matter how sharp the mind is, if the body is weak, you cannot achieve all you are meant to achieve. So treat your entire being with love and care.

Delegate/Simplify: Find the right person/team to work with. Get the right apps to simplify your work process. Always try to find the best way to preserve energy and get better results. Don’t kill yourself over a little task when you can delegate. To be more productive, you need to know what is important and what to delegate.
Deal with distractions: There are way too many things trying to get your attention. Make sure you don’t allow them get in your way. Focus!
Have a routine: It may sound boring, but routines are quite helpful in getting more productive, so stick to a routine that works for you. For instance, if you are a morning person, then you are more effective and productive in the morning; so do not waste your mornings scrolling through Instagram or chatting on WhatsApp. Use your most productive hours effectively; get busy!
inspiration: clearvision; mindtools
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