Career Lifestyle

Career Talk: Should your employer monitor you on Social Media?

Hi SL Fabz,

It’s a beautiful Monday and I’m sure most of us are already back to work, sitting at our desks and making things happen!

The use of Social Media has grown tremendously over the past few years. This growth continues to rise by the minute.

But also on the rise is the number of companies monitoring their employees’ accounts on social media. Sometimes, it even serves as a determiner in a job selection process as many employers look closely at a job candidate’s online presence before making a decision.

This means that almost every information you share on social media now, except on sites that enable you have a private profile (like Instagram), is available for your employer to see. The question now is, do you want your employer to see everything you’ve posted on social media?

According to a survey by CareerBuiler, 39% of employers dig into candidates on social sites, while 43% said they had found something that made them deep-six a candidate—such as posting inappropriate photos or information, or bad-mouthing a former boss.

Bad-mouthing a former boss! Now, that is something you wont want a prospective employer to see. But since most of our updates on social media are available for anyone in any part of the world to see, you can’t really blame your employer, can you?

So, let’s discuss. Do you think its right for employers to monitor their employees’ social media accounts? As an employer, would you do this? As an employee, would you mind?

Have you ever been in any awkward situation where someone at work saw a post on social media you didn’t want him/her to see?

I’d love to read your thoughts!

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  • Reply
    Anchi Martina Ekah
    March 9, 2015 at 2:16 pm

    Hi Steph, happy Monday, I am a constant reader to your postings and they are very interesting. I think its wrong for an employer to monitor his/her employee’s social media account cuz normally everyone one has his/her privacy and his/ her social media stands has got nothing to do with the job in as much as the employee does not mix business with pleasure

  • Reply
    March 9, 2015 at 3:13 pm

    My day begins at 6am. Time was very important to the job. Stacks of previous trades were at my desk at exactly two minutes after 6am. I’m talking about over fifteen thousand pages. These must be distributed to my team employees desk brefore tthey arrive for work at exactly 7am. No lateness was alloud because time is money. Imagine dealing with 500 different time zones around the world, then sending reports to your head office, sendind order liquidation of customer account because their broker made a silly or delibrate mistakes for which it should be paid for immediately. Before business closing day, customers brokers should be notified about all customes transactiins that was compromised and appropriate decision was taken to solve the problem. The broker will or should contact the customes and explain to them what went wrong. My day ends at precisely 1pm. So no time for fishing on the web.

  • Reply
    Ebuka chukwu
    March 9, 2015 at 8:42 pm

    Aunty good evening. It is not good

  • Reply
    March 10, 2015 at 5:45 pm

    Time management and business ethics tally together.Invasion of privacy is unacceptable as much as you are paid for the work done as an employee;the employer also should be more of performance oriented instead of personal orientated.Social media surfing by employer is an indication of distrust and business immaturity

  • Reply
    Racheal Laye Edward
    March 13, 2015 at 9:07 am

    To me, that’s unacceptable!
    It’s invasion of privacy!
    Ones personal life nn business should not mingle

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