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What Does Friday Night Mean To You?

“Thank God It’s Friday!”

I heard more than a few people say that today. Friday ushers in the weekend, a time of relaxation for many, especially those with the regular week day jobs.

Friday night is also a time where many people get to unwind at various relaxation spots around town. I was driving around a while ago and already most relaxation spots are starting to fill up – the restaurants, the cinemas, the bars, the clubs and many more hot spots around the city.

However, not everyone loves to hang out on a Friday night. For some, its a time to relax with family and gist about the events of the week. Many people also love to watch late night movies at home or go to Church for special programmes and vigils.

SL Fabz, I’d love to hear from you. Where do you belong? What do you love to do on Friday nights? What will you be doing tonight?

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  • Reply
    Anigbo Ngozi
    January 24, 2015 at 10:32 am

    Friday night.the of enough sleep and rest.

  • Reply
    January 24, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    Its a very special day in Islam! As a Muslim, I always put all my ordeals into prayers and send them to Allah for His divine mercy!!!

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