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What Women Notice About Men In 5 Minutes

What Women Notice About Men In 5 Minutes

I was having a little chit chat with some of my girlfriends the other day and we got talking about, you know, men…

Yeah, you can say that again. Ladies love talking about men… Lol!

Anyway, the topic was the first thing a lady notices in a man for the very first time and we came up with different points. We agreed that the most common thing a lady notices in a man within the first five minutes of meeting him are:

His physical stature

His clothes and shoes

His neatness and composure

His confidence

His voice and charm

His smile and humour

His money

So ladies, let’s continue the gist. What is the first thing that attracts you to a man and why? If yours is not on the list, do share with us!



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  • Reply
    cynthia Thompson
    February 28, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    ℓ̊ love their sense of dressing n neatness… It attracts ♍ƺ 2 a man

  • Reply
    March 1, 2014 at 12:00 am

    I get attracted to a man with good looks,tall $ with good dressing sense….!

  • Reply
    Racheal Laye Edward
    March 1, 2014 at 3:24 am

    Clothes, shoes, neatness n composure does it for me.

  • Reply
    March 1, 2014 at 8:27 pm

    NeatneSs, sense of humour the hight, dentist ion , he must be handsome

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