Over the past weeks, I’ve read with shock different reports of the rise in slavery and human trafficking, and how many West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya. The situation is devastating. The value of a human life is reduced to meager amounts of money. Too often they are broken, brutalized and have been abused, often sexually. Women, too, are reportedly being sold to homes where they were forced to be sex slaves.
Men and women toil for little or no pay, and are threatened and beaten if they try to escape. Women and girls are forced into prostitution. Human slavery tears at our social fabric, fuels violence and organized crime, and debases our common humanity.
The scale of trafficking is huge. People have a desire to improve their lives but sadly, things go wrong for a lot of them.
Today, I join my voice with thousands of people around the world to say NO to any form of SLAVERY. It’s time to look at the fundamental issues to address this. We cannot continue to let these people’s lives go to waste. Let’s use our platforms to continue to spread the word until something is done about it. We must not ignore these vulnerable ones. Their voices carry more weight than anyone else’s.
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