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Health & Fitness

Food & Home Health & Fitness

How To Make Delicious Ugu Smoothie

Pumpkin Leaf, popularly known as Ugu or Ugwu here in Nigeria is commonly used in our vegetable soups. But recently, I’ve discovered a different way to enjoy its rich nutrients in all its goodness – SMOOTHIE! When you think…

Health & Fitness

Lassa Fever Facts You Should Know

The Lassa Fever scare is getting even more real. With more and more cases reported nationwide, state governments are beginning to take this even more seriously and have embarked on preventive measures for its inhabitants. But it is not…

Health & Fitness

Outdoor Exercises That Are Great For You

When the weather outside is wonderful, who wants to spend any time in a stuffy gym? Instead, gather the family and invite your friends to join you out-of-doors for a calorie-blasting good time. These activities make it easy to…

Health & Fitness Lifestyle

10 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy

Sometimes, we feel physically or emotionally drained. This stops us from achieving our dreams and might be the cause of some habits we practice often. Such habits could be physical, mental, emotional… Here are 10 things you need to…