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Fashion Lifestyle

Forgive Yourself…

All of us make mistakes at times. As humans, we’re imperfect. We’ve all done things we’re not proud of. However, stewing in remorse isn’t a productive way to cope. As difficult as it may seem, letting go of guilt…

Sunday Thots

These Three Things…

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13 This is one favourite Bible verse among a lot of Christians, containing three important things we need to live by.…

Steph's Lounge


It’s not about the numbers, its about the people… precious lives brutally cut short in their prime 100, 150, 2000? Every single soul matters, every drop of blood that was shed counts A human life should mean more to…

Blog Make me fabulous

Believe In Yourself

Belief in yourself is the foundation of self confidence. I know it can often be hard to believe in yourself, especially if you feel like you have nothing to offer or are unworthy of things. But you are worthy…