
It’s All About Peace

Hey lovelies,

It’s been an interesting week so far, however, the news of election violence and loss of lives in Rivers state has been very sad. We can’t continue to loose our promising youth every time there is an election in this country. Surely, we must continue to educate each other and create more awareness against election violence.

Nigerians and indeed the International Community must SPEAK to say NO to Election violence!!! We must insist on One Man One Vote and violence free elections!!!

Say no to hooliganism and election violence, don’t be a tool, you’ll be used and dumped. Also, say no to post election violence.

I choose to say no to election violence. I choose PEACE.

Let’s not only say no to physical election violence but oral violence as well. We can disagree without verbally assaulting each other.

There will be more elections across the country in the coming months and I can only hope we carry them out in peace and respect for one another.

Stay peaceful.



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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Racheal Edward
    March 25, 2016 at 11:16 am

    It’s really sad.
    Vote not fight is still d message!

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