It’s a new week and yet another opportunity to win credit vouchers! Yay!
This week, we have Bunmi – an aspiring entrepreneur who needs some advice. From your comments, my fabulous team will pick 5 comments that they believe instructs Bunmi best on what to do about her predicament.
Here’s her story…
Dear Stephanie,
I am 25 years old, engaged to a very wonderful 35 year-old man whom I love and who loves me deeply and passionately. Through us, our families are now very close (my mum and his mum have become great pals and they travel a lot together etc). A few weeks back, I got a scholarship to study abroad. It’s a 4-year programme (+ one year internship) and an opportunity to meet some of the best in my chosen field. I was so excited when I got it, but when I shared the good news with my fiancé, he wasn’t so happy and suggested I shouldn’t take it because the distance and my focus on education will affect our relationship. My mum also feels the same way. She told me that Nnamdi (my fiancé) is more important to me than any degree or pursuit at the moment. My dad is the only one on my side. My fiancé is very comfortable and since we started dating two years now, he practically meets all my needs and supports all my dreams and helps fund my aspirations. But this time, he just isn’t happy and says I shouldn’t accept the scholarship (he doesn’t believe in long distance relationship/marriage at all!). This scholarship is something I’ve always wanted…but again, Nnamdi is the kind of man I may never meet again. He is just perfect for me. I feel like my life is on pause at the moment because everyone is waiting for me to make my decision. I’m afraid if I go, he may end up with someone else before the end of my course. What should I do – go ahead and get my degree or stay with Nnamdi and start a family? I really need your advice. – Bunmi
So my people, what do you think Bunmi should do?
The top 5 best advice (agreed by my team) will get N1000 recharge cards each sent to them.
September 24, 2012 at 12:01 pmMy Dear Bummi…. If he feels this way and you guys know you want to take your relationship to the next level then let him take the plunge…He cant keep you without and guarantee and yet expect you to forfeit your scholarship. Any man who loves u will always want the best for you. If he doesn’t ask you to marry him the PLEASE take your scholarship ok…Im happy for you
September 24, 2012 at 12:53 pmPls I will advise you nt τ̲̅ǿ destroy ur marriage just becus of scholarship of a fin, you said your husband is givin you evryfin , so wat else do you wnt , dan τ̲̅ǿ face ur marriage. Pls ♍Ɣ dear make your husband happy cus somppl out der are look for the kind of marriage you gat. Pls forget the scholarship
September 24, 2012 at 1:42 pmWow Bunmi u αяє so lucky you know…but my advice is ∂ατ̲̅ opportunity comes but once,so if truly Ђε̲̣̣ loves u there’s no reason why Ђε̲̣̣ should doubt унυя love for him, Ãήϑ if u can’t still convince him why not get married(court wedding)so his mind will be at rest..your sucess matter most my dear don’t loose Gods blessing for u…thanks
Rebecca john
September 24, 2012 at 5:59 pmHi Girl, Education is the best policy you can have today and an opportunity comes but once, that is your chance do not mis it
for him he do not want the best for you because no responsible and intelligent man will not like his wife to be educated,
what if he later break’s your heart?it means automatically use loose him/Scholarship.
Uzoigwe .n.stella
September 27, 2012 at 9:18 amHi Girl, Education is the best policy you can have today and an opportunity comes but once, that is your chance do not mis it
for him he do not want the best for you because no responsible and intelligent man will not like his wife to be educated,
what if he later break’s your heart?it means automatically use loose him/Scholarship.
iro joshua
September 24, 2012 at 1:45 pmWell Bunmi, this is a very tactical case advise is go ahead with the scholarship and everything associated with it, the internship, the course and everything.if u were not to go for this course, God wouldn’t have allowed it to come your way, and u wouldn’t have obtained that scholarship. Its good u have a very nice fiancee, he takes care of u, provides u with all necessities of life as a woman, but come to think of it, am sorry to say this- what if things no longer go the way they are supposed to, the caring thing and all that?but i want u to see this as an opportunity to prevent this. He might not be able to take care of u forever, then what will happen to the relationship?remember this even if not all i’ve said, there are three things dat do not come back in life, TIME, OPPORTUNITIES AND WORDS.Despite all i have said, i want u to decide for yourself. There are better men out there who would appreciate u better than him, its just that u met him first.and i want to leave u with this, even if u go, and before u complete your course, he has started dating another lady, just know that he was never meant for u, and he will never be.And by divine making, u will get a better person, who will appreciate u more for who u are, and all about u.A relationship is not everything in life, what matters is your happiness. You don’t have to throw ur happiness aside just to make others happy.
You Might regret it.
September 24, 2012 at 3:50 pmMy dear, 4rm wat i read above, ur fiance problem dnt just seem to bother on d distance alone, but also from d fact that ur interest in education would/could affect ur relationship.
So my humble advice is this, sit him down and u both should discuss wat d future holds for u, in terms of marriage and also ur education. Does he really want u to go to skol atal even if its here in nigeria? If yes, i’d advise u secure an admission here in d country b4 thinking of forfeitin d other, buh ds shud b a commitment he is willin to make as well buh if d answer to my question is No, i’d advice you 4get abt him and force on ur education bcos all d glitters r not gold, a few years into d marriage u neva can tell wat can happen and being overly dependent on a man is not a good idea. So weigh both options very well b4 comin to a decision. Whats meant 4 u will surely get to you, and u wud meet a beta person out there who is concerned abt ur welfare and all i.e if things dnt work out btwn u and ur fiance. All d best dear
September 25, 2012 at 4:49 amMy dear u said u guys ve been dating 4 d past 2yrs, his comfortable, and u both know each others family well, why hasn’t he married me? Dis is an oppurtunity u can’t afford to miss, u need to ask urself serious questions like: is he God fearing? Will he eventually marry me? If he disappoints me will I be ready to bear the truama? In d next 5yrs ll I be happy with my discision even if he eventually marries me? Can I tolerate, endure, and luv him even in gud and bad times? If u can answer dis questions and still feels u can forsake ur education for him, while not go ahead and be with him. All d best in any decision u make, and always remember that Marriage is not relationship.
September 25, 2012 at 5:15 amDear Bunmi,
Life is only but an opportunity! If he really loves you, he will wait for you. This scholarship is all you’ve always wanted. God is not stupid to have allowed it and Nnamdi too knows is all you’ve ever wanted! Please do not let your opportunity pass you by. Be prayerful and stand firm on your decisions. The lord will put your feet on higher ground. All the best. Nenye
September 26, 2012 at 5:13 amWe know every woman wants to be independent go to skl and all that but dear Ūя̲̅ relationship is at task here try and convince. maybe get married and Ʋ guys can visit each other Ʋ know wats best 4u
September 24, 2012 at 12:06 pmDear Bunmi I advice u try harder to convience Nnamdi how important the degree is to both of you. Please dear go for your scholarship its a different case if you are married to him already! Goodluck!
September 24, 2012 at 12:09 pmDear bunmi, d only constant thing in life is CHANGE. A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ U̶̲̥̅̊ A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ I coming to dis world is a risk on its own. My advice is dis, since U̶̲̥̅̊ are so sure dat dis guy loves U̶̲̥̅̊ A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ can’t change his attitude later wen U̶̲̥̅̊ are married pls take a risk A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ forget d scholarship for now. So sure he is afraid to loose U̶̲̥̅̊ too.stay wif him A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ get married A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ age is still on ur side after first kid U̶̲̥̅̊ can still re-apply A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ by HIS grace U̶̲̥̅̊ will excel again.
hormotoye holuwaryemycee
September 24, 2012 at 12:46 pmDear bunmi
These choice is abt u nd nmamdi future.. In dis modern world education is d key success to almost all tinz…. So u nd nmamdi sit down nd decide sumtin togeda…. Such as tellin him to appply for a visa to d country u got scholarship frm nd before u guys should get married bfore u travell… I promise evrytin wil b fyn
Sharon Adjoa Amanda
September 24, 2012 at 12:10 pmokay gal just fellow your heart and do what u feel and secondly u may think that is sooo good but know that maybe he is just like that for now and he might change and the school too is very important, so take the scholarship and tell him if he truly loves u soo much he can wait for u to finish your studies before starting a family, education is very important dear so think twice and make the right choice. if i am in your shoes i will go for my studies because i don’t know what the good Lord have in store for me
September 24, 2012 at 12:10 pmDear Bunmi, you will need to sit down and ask yourself,what do i want most now,marriage or education.Then you can be able to make your choice,the two choices before you are very sensitive and making the wrong one can ruin your joy for life.For me,i would ask you to choose staying put and face your good relationship,acquiring degrees can wait but a good man doesn’t wait and its hard to come by,but if your mind is set to get your degree first,try and sit your man down and tell him your mind,if he is really your missing rib,he would approve your move and wait for you.The most important thing is for you to make yourself happy with what suits you and no one knows that more than you,your parents view should be put into account too because they matter.
September 24, 2012 at 12:10 pmBunmi u can’t eat ur cake n have it!if dis guy is ready to marry u forget d degree!!!
September 24, 2012 at 12:11 pmYou have to be very cautious here. Though your scholarship is just as important as your marriage, you also have to consider him. He’s also 35 and time is not on he’s side too-he’s getting older you know. The basis for your going in for the scholarship is to make money right?! And if he’s ready and willing to take good, proper and affectionate care of you, why bother about a lousy scholarship. You can always get that. And remember, a GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND.
September 24, 2012 at 12:11 pmMy dear I will advise u 2 take d scholarship and move on wit ur life cos u never can tell men. Can change anytime and dis is d only chance u have make use of it before is 2 late
September 24, 2012 at 12:11 pmParents should train their girls how to live and survive as a woman , rather than wait for a man to fall on. My candid advice! Sit him down, and explain why you need the degree most, as it would make U a better person in all ramifications. If he disagrees, Go ahead with ur career, if he’s ur man definitely things would work out!
olawoyin babatunde
September 24, 2012 at 12:13 pmMy advice for u is dat,u should leav dat schorlaship coz it wil spoil ur relationship bete start ur sch in nigeria so dat ur love wil be solid
September 24, 2012 at 12:13 pmMy dear, u had better focus on your career or end up regretting for the rest of your life. I know it seems like a very had decision to take right now! But if Nnamdi really loves u and has your best interest at heart, he will let u go abroad and pursue ur dream. I’ll also use this medium to tell other girls- Neva let a man destroy ur lyf! It myt b hard 2 get ova d man u luv, buh u’ll neva knw until u try,
September 24, 2012 at 12:14 pmmy dear i think you should listen to him if and only if u r conviced he s going to marry you. Remember by d time u finish this course u ll be 30 years and am sure he ll nt ve d patience to wait for u nor endure long distant marriage. Since u said he meets all ur needs now hopefully am sure he can still train u in school when u eventually marry each other.
Judith Abiri
September 24, 2012 at 12:14 pmDear bumml I feel u should stay back and be with your man whom u love whole heartedly.what is education abroad when u can get one here.besides if u leave him and travel out and along the line he leaves u for another u will be heart broken thereby not focusing on ur studies.also tk note ur mum has also advised u on it don’t u think ur mum will definetly not lead u astray candid advise to u is sit him down to talk about it .if he insist u stay back pls do .true love is hard to find these days.most men don’t appreciate distance relattionship .I wish u the best in all u do.
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pmI think she should call a family meeting wedin both side, husband family and d girl family.. And they sort it out, if there are nt yet married 2 each order let dem get married 1st b4 she travel wit dat d man wil nt be able 2do anitin stupid tnx.. Urs
faithful joseph??
Maraizu Uchechi
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pmhello Bunmi, ur story is quite a big one.
Ur fiance shuld knw dt scholarship is relevant to u and would make u a better person. If he loves u as u claim, he shld be able to support u through thick and thin. I believe if he were to be d one to get such an an opportunity he wudnt even blink, the least he wud do is to convince u.
We all knw the woman is alwys @ the receivin end in every situation; gud or bad. So u’d v to tread wif care n patience.
This issue requires prayers and understandin4rm both ur mum and ur fiance….
It’s not really easy 4 him to let u go…every man in love wuld act ds way….
Wat both of u need is to sit down n tlk through ds and reach a consencus….a beautiful relationship is based on effective communication and mutual understanding…
On ur part…if he finally agrees, wch i pray he does…u must make sure u dnt disappoint him, ur family, n ursef; cos u claim to love him in sincerity… Cos u knw wat dt means..hmmm?
I pray 4 u, 4 divine wisdom…
Much love….!
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pm2 way tinz-A carrer(scholarship) nd A man(love).let nnamdi put a ring on it.If he isn’t ready to dat,then u both u talk on act of,call,voiz notes,pings etc…..its easy mehn!
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pmI think u shd follow ur heart, bt dis is my advice to u, if u love him dat much u shd be able to let go of dat schorlarship abroad study in ur country and keep ur man, distant relationship is very diff dis days.
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pmDear Bunmi, u have the right to good education and i believe there are good schools here in Nigeria where u can achieve that. Since your fiancee is doing well and supports u I believe he can afford for u 2 get an education here, that way your relationship won’t suffer. But if he can’t afford for u 2 get a good education here, why waste such a great opportunity? If u two are meant 2 be he should be able 2 wait afterall there are married couples who hardly reside in the same place yet they are still very marrried because love is patient. I wish u the very best with whatever decision u make.
Dike judith chinwe
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pmMydear, if he truely loves u , he should get married to u cos 2yr is enough to have known u. Ur career is ur future nd u have to grow together with it. Talk to ur mum to see reasons with u nd above all pray. Only God knows how ur future will be. Thanks
September 24, 2012 at 12:15 pmRight,love!!wht makes u feel if u forfeit ur scholarship n even marry him,dat love won’t fade someday,ur education is d only geniue guarantee u have in life,it won’t fade….my girl ur future come first Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo plz
Sochima Madubueze
September 24, 2012 at 12:16 pmI think you should go for your scholarship because if the two of you are really destined together by God then you can be able to overcome anything that will break you people apart no matter the distance.
joy samuel
September 24, 2012 at 12:16 pmI wonder what’s keeping a 2yrs relationship not †̥☹ define its self properly but any which ways obey him n forget †ђξ schoolarship but make sure †ђξ wedding plains commence immediatly cos when Ȋ̝̊̅t comes †̥☹ marrige delay maybe dengeroius.
Tobi Adepoju
September 24, 2012 at 12:16 pmBunmi, i know that to u,he’s the perfect man. but if he truely loves you, he would be happy for you first of all.i understand that hes scared of long distance relationship but he should consider you and your career. before you make any decision,talk to him and let him know how u feel about your career and the opportunities of travelling out to study. U guys should be able to work it out.
September 24, 2012 at 12:16 pmTrue love waits,if he think he can’t allow u to do that yet its the future of ur family,then he is not up to who u are ,in my on understanding,he doesn’t trust u,coze if he trust u he wouldn’t be with divided opinion about u.after all u will be studying for the future of ur family and take for example if he happen to lost his job,and get u when u are not doing any thing,how do u expect ur family to survives?think twice,but i advice u to take that scholarship and if he hurries to marry some one amidst your study then just know that he wasn’t meant for u
vivian chisom
September 24, 2012 at 12:16 pmI would I advice you talk about your career as a lady than this come to think of it its a scholarship hmmm mehn he should arrange for your marriage because I won’t lose an opportunity to become great to a mere relationship if he is your husband its different he is still ur bf so chose your career we fall in love everyday and we meet great and nice people everyday don’t make any mistake about it
September 24, 2012 at 12:17 pmIf Nnamdi loves you,he wudn’t want you to be a liability,and if truly he is meant for you,God will keep him for you. Don’t leave ur career and dreams cos of a man.he has his life to live and you have urs too. Go for ur dreams girl and when u finally succeed,he will be glad u did…Goodluck babe!
September 24, 2012 at 12:18 pmDear bunmi
just invite him and have a heart to heart discussion with him cos communication is key to any happy marriage or union
Akinwusi Bunmi
September 24, 2012 at 12:18 pmMy name sake,pick up ur scharship my dear,continue with ur educatoin is what nobody cannot take away frm u,men is everywhere just ask God to direct ur to dem,in future dis ur so called lover man might use it against u.
September 24, 2012 at 12:18 pmDear Bunmi, since you are sure of the love and you guys are compatible, I suggest you stay back and listen to your man bcos obedience to your fiancé is part of the etiquettes in sustaining a good relationship and believe me distance relationship doesn’t mks it stronger! Besides, you can always further after marriage.
September 24, 2012 at 12:19 pmBumin if u really luv d guy n u wnt 2 end up being wit him 4 d rest of ur life, gv him d 4 ur scholarship, he wil gv u wat more dan dat.
Ernestina Madufor
September 24, 2012 at 12:19 pmDear Bunmi, first of all, I want u to know that love consist of faith, trust, sacrifice and many more..
If Nnamdi truely love u, he should be able to endure 4yrs of ur absence knowing u are just a phone call away. He should be able to accept that this is ur dream, ur future and wot makes u happy and should be able to support u all de way. That is love, unselfish and understanding.
Again dear Bunmi, take this from me cos I speak from experience, if u stay back without pursuing this education, my dear, few yrs from now, u will hate urself and above all Nnamdi!! Yes, certain circumstances in future will make u look back and regret ur actions. It can cause undue strain btwn u and Nnamdi yrs later.
Finally, follow ur heart Bunmi, do wot is right for u, 4yrs on… If Nnamdi is truely urs, then he will be waiting wn u come back. Thanks.
September 24, 2012 at 12:20 pmDear Bunmi,In life we are smtymz left wv no option dan tew choose wt”z rili Ǧ☺☺ϑ 4 us!alwz remember dt time change so do pple!Nvr trade U̶̲̥̅̊я pursuit of happiness 4 anytin,U̶̲̥̅̊я career mtrs most @ ds junction coupled wif de fact that I sense so much enthusiasm and zeal in goin 4 de course!I will advice U̶̲̥̅̊ go pursue U̶̲̥̅̊я career and let fate take its trail because dtz de only fing U̶̲̥̅̊ can outrightly call urs nw nd forever!God elp U̶̲̥̅̊!
September 24, 2012 at 12:20 pmHello Bunmi, you said Nnamdi is very comfortable, he loves you very much and he’s 35 years old, so what’s stopping him from marrying you? He can marry you and you’ll still go for your studies abroad, people do it, its no big deal. Though being in a long-distance relationship can be very difficult, but you can make it work by talking to each other everyday, make sure you know how he’s feeling and vice versa. Try to be romantic and to keep things interesting. My dear, if he doesn’t marry you before the due date of your scholarship…PLEASE take your scholarship, opportunity comes but once. I can assure you’ll meet a guy like Nnamdi or even better than him. I wish you the best
September 24, 2012 at 12:20 pmMy advice τ̅☺ you is τ̅☺ stay and get married. Thank God you said he is okay financially, you can still go back τ̅☺ school and get your degree with his support. Pls my dear don’t loose the love of your life τ̅☺ anoda lady cos truthfully distant relationship hmmm… hardly works. Good luck.
Hannah Ohiremen
September 24, 2012 at 12:20 pmBunmi,you should have it at the back of your mind that these days ‘good husbands’ are hard to come by.It will be a thing of joy taking the scholarship but is it worth your relationship with Nnamdi?ℓ̊’d sincerely advice you try reaching an agreement with Nnamdi about setting up a large business for you here in Nigeria,that way you still get to become an enterpreneur.Please,act wisely and don’t destroy your relationship afterall,you can’t marry your certificate.
osuoha chnonso lois
September 25, 2012 at 8:25 ammy dear am a girl like u, and i rili undastnd,trust me i feel ur pain.but my candid adice to u is dis:choose ur education, listen if he is meant for u he will definatly b urs, but if he is not forget it,u rili need education more dan marriage though it is necessary too,even d bilble said we should make friends wit mammon of unrigheousness so in time of trouble it will recieve us,so der goto skul get ur certification incase of any problem in future ur certificate will smile at u,even he ur husband will appreciate u,have u thought of wat will happen if u marry him and he looses he job?u dnt have a certificate so hw will u help?he himself will evn send u dear thnk weel.
September 24, 2012 at 12:21 pmDear bunmi
Life is all about choice, for me you have more better days ahead. S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ look up and grab the best. The good things today can go bad tomorrow hmm. My advice may be funny yes but remember they don’t miss you when you are gone,they do when you move on.S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ I will tell you to move on and go for your study. Develop your mind and go the extra mile good success await you bunmi…okaay.
September 24, 2012 at 12:21 pmDear bunmi,u didn’t really state hw long it is before u travel for ur scholarship,if it’s for a long while den u both shuld plan n get married….so as to allow u pursue ur dreams,no condition is permanent,he might b ok today,who knws 2mao…but u having a career can help u both…u guys hav been ok….ur education shuldnt b a problem…..if ure luv is strong enuf den dis might b a test to that……
jude regan
September 24, 2012 at 12:21 pmDear bunmi, I can understand the confusion you must be passing through. The only thing you will do now is as far your dad is on your side, tell him to ask nnamdi to pay your bride price or atleast pour palm wine on your head. In this way he will feel more relaxed hoping when u come back the full rite will then take place. If he disagrees on that option, then I will advice you go for your scholarship program. As a couple to be, your happiness should be his happiness too, if otherwise then I believe he is not for you and God has a greater plans for you in the future. Stay positive.
Dike judith chinwe
September 24, 2012 at 12:21 pmMydear, if he truely loves u , he should get married to u cos 2yr is enough to have known u. Ur career is ur future nd u have to grow together with it. Talk to ur mum to see reasons with u nd above all pray. Only God knws how ur future will be. Dont give up.
September 24, 2012 at 12:22 pmThis is a dicey situation but not a hopeless one. I will advice bunmi to look inward and decide the major reasons she wants to marry Nnamdi, is it because his comfortable and meets her needs or for love? Love is tricky and when things are rosy, people confuse lust, admiration and likeness for love. Marriage is for a life time and both partners should support one another through there individual dreams. Will nnamdi still be this loving and kind in a few years time with an unfulfilled wife by his side will he goes on achieving his dreams? I dare say he is selfish and should with proper understanding support her. Since he is comfortable, they can afford to travel and spend time with each other since she isn’t staying there forever. Bunmi should try harder to make him see reasons and they should work out ways of visiting each other during the years abroad. But if he doesn’t oblige, it means his love is conditional and she should go to God in prayers to direct her real husband. A man that truly loves you will not only support you but give you the wings to fly. Trust is the key and Nnamdi lacks that towards Bunmi.
September 24, 2012 at 12:22 pmbunmi dear, i think u go for one dat makes you happier. But i think if u love urselves, he provides ur needs,nd the guy is serious about marriage, then go for him, u may not find anoda like him. Marry him, keep applying for scholarships, u may be fortunate, and i dont fnk he would like to deny u a second opportunity. Peace of mind in a relationship is worth than a career.
September 24, 2012 at 12:22 pmPls my dear u should go ahead wit ur studies.than ur man should get married to u nd allow u to follow ur dream,i believe if u love him as claimed nothing will come between u two.moreover u will always come back home as u know that u have a husband down here to take care of.distance is not a barrier if u two r deeply in love and ur nnamdi can always visit u too since he’s a comfort man.again both of u should ask ur selves a personal question am i focus in dis relationship,do i love him or her to death,do u both trust eachother.d man will not leave u cos were ever u treasure is that’s were ur mind will be.thanks
princess Eyeoyibo
September 24, 2012 at 12:22 pm♍ɣ advice t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ U̶̲̥̅̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ҿãя ,i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ fo̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ U̶̲̥̅̊ t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ take †ђξ scholarship,if †ђξ man i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ Ūя̲̅ rightful husband,Ħع WȊ̝̊̅ℓℓ cōм̣̣̥̇̊ҿ back t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ U̶̲̥̅̊ ,D̶̲̥̅̊☺̣̣̥̇ŋ’t Mi$$ D̶̲̥̅̊Ĭ§ great opportunity,U̶̲̥̅̊ cant predict men,
Rasaq yusuff
September 24, 2012 at 12:23 pmHi bunmi my advise to you is that u should call your family and your fiance family 2gether as an introduction between you and him and beg your fiance 2 let you go for the programme….
chinelo nwafor
September 24, 2012 at 12:23 pmFor me I will advice u to follow ur study, if God says dat is urs he will wait 4 u.
September 24, 2012 at 12:24 pmWell i optioned she should stay,if she do love the guy as she stated right here,she can still earn degree right here on nigeria,if she try to go for the scholarship she will surely lose the guy,why because age is no more on his side 35yrs is not 35 days/week,so the guy is some she will spend the rest of her life with so is always good to find a good type,bye for now
September 24, 2012 at 12:24 pmI think u should pray over it..and ask God to direct,becos the two is important..but if d guy really love u let him marry u then he have all the right on u..if he ask u to marry him i think u shuld stay..because even if a woman have all d degree in d world without a lovely home the degree is useless..stay bless dear
September 24, 2012 at 12:25 pmDear Bunmi, if he really loves u, I advice u try harder to convince him how important the degree is to both of you. Any man who loves u will always want the best for you. Remember he is not ur husband yet. If he doesn’t ask you to marry him, please take your scholarship ok.
Gina mark
September 24, 2012 at 12:25 pmif he truely lv u,stay back and marry him 4 dis is d begining of ur submissive to him.
September 24, 2012 at 12:25 pmDear Bunmi,for any r/ship to b balanced,ther must b sacrifice made by d pple involved.ur guy supposed to b happy wit u,bt since he’s nt,I guess he had reasons.if he is ready to tie d knot wit u very soon,then u hv to sacrifice ur studying,otherwise go ahead nd travel.2yrs is enough for any serious minded guy to settle down.Again,It might b a trick from him to know if u’ll choose ur studies first b/4 him.
Maureen A A
September 24, 2012 at 12:26 pmSweety, oops what a great decision to be made…..i want to assume that he has already proposed marriage and in no time u guys would be married. now ur dream and ur fiance who will u choose? i must say u r in a fix but just make him understand, when u applied for the scholarship i believe he was there all the way, now it has come he just want to scare u by backing out….no way he has to trust u and allow u go. sweety pursue ur dream and pray that God should make him understand.
September 24, 2012 at 12:26 pmI suggest U̶̲̥̅̊ seek d face of God for direction. Ȋ̝̊̅§. D guy ready 4 marriage? Ve U̶̲̥̅̊ prayed before going into d relationship? If yes then he has ₪☺ option than τ̅☺ allow U̶̲̥̅̊ τ̅☺ go. God W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ ̄ι̥ι̥ convince him Himself. When U̶̲̥̅̊ started d relationship did U̶̲̥̅̊ tell him dat U̶̲̥̅̊ still want τ̅☺ read? D Lord W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ ̄ι̥ι̥ direct U̶̲̥̅̊. Amen
September 24, 2012 at 12:26 pmBunmi the simple advice I’ll give to you is to follow your heart. If you believe its your dream to further your education, go ahead and take that scholarship. If your fiance truly loves you he would understand that this is what you want and he should give you the chance to go for it. I know long distance relationships can be hard, but with constant communication between the both of you, you’ll pull through.
Wahab Oluwakemi Zeenat
September 24, 2012 at 12:26 pmBunmi my good advice to you is to search your mind properly although the scholarship s good but the joy of letting the one u love elude will be a pain for life even f u see another man after ur program and he hurts u alittle, comparism wil start
September 24, 2012 at 12:27 pmDear bunmi since its what u’ve always wanted I would say u go for ur dreams and if he is ment for u he would definately wait for u. And consider if he was d one in ur shoes won’t he go for it think about it dear and all d best
September 24, 2012 at 12:27 pmdear bummi, you can always get scholarship to study any where in the world but you can never meet man again that will love you so dearly any where in the world. GOD has destined 4 us only one who will love you so dearly and if you miss it you have miss 4 life.
Chuks CC
September 24, 2012 at 12:27 pmBumi, the respond of your man Nnamdi and the tune of story suggest love that has no boundary, but I will advice you to take the scholarship. Speak to your man with love and respect, propose both of you marring before you leave, he is comfortable as you said, he can afford to visit you as he wants as your legally husband and you also can afford to visit home every vacation, remember your present year (25) if you add your years of study you will be 30 so having a nice man is not easy, I am one and I know is not easy to have us talk of losing us, if he really loves you he will accept. Education is the best gift any one can give a loved one and is the best weapon couples should have, remember you can also make babies while studying. Talk to him one on one, love changes all things, a man with stone heart can be melted with love. Love rule the world. Talk to him,
September 24, 2012 at 12:28 pmDear frnd, I sugest u get him cleared abt ur educational things bt if he refuses to listen to u then i rather adivice u to carry on with ur studies cos he may try to be nice today bt what abt tomorrow? what if he turns out to be something else u never expected from him? what will happen to u then? I guess u’ll say d word “Had i know” so dear girl, never allow things or memories of men to distract ur future focus or else u may some how lose and that wil definiatly affect ur personality. Think twice and take wise dicisn dear.
salihu aishat
September 24, 2012 at 12:28 pmDear Bunmi, I know you are at a cross road right now and it’s a very difficult decision to make because the two is very important to your life but you should know having a man who loves you like that and leaving him for a scholarship abroad not even in nigeria is a great risk because the man can loves you but can also loves another when you are gone meanwhile you can always apply for another scholarship when you get married. I will implore you to think it through and follow your heart and my prayer is that whatever decision you make, may it be the right decision. Good luck
September 24, 2012 at 12:29 pmChange is constant in life. My advice to u is that since u both love each other, education is very important in this century, but the other hand is a woman without a husband is like a phone without a sim card that mean she is empty. Good husbands are very difficult to find, age is still on ur side, since he want to marry u, please, leave the scholarship for now u can do that later. Time Waits For No one Is Not In Education Rather In Marriage. Good luck.
Godlead wobo
September 24, 2012 at 12:31 pmHe should knw dat is nat about d distance,is about whom he claims he luvs..! Distance shud set a pace 4 a 2ru luv shoud b estrblishd… If he love’s u,der should b no doubt in his mind dat distance shuld b d end of d relatnshp…! Talk 2 him,ur d woman,u knw his weakns… Dnt let ur scholashp go jst lik dat cos, it’s jst a 2yrs afair and anytn can hapn..! Howevr,it’s hard sein sum1 u love bein 2far 4rm u but a spade shud b cald a spade..! Education is vry importnt..!
September 24, 2012 at 12:31 pmSchooling is as important as marriage. If he doesn’t want 2 lose U̶̲̥̅̊, he shld start marriage arrangement b4 U̶̲̥̅̊ travel so he will be sure of nt losing U̶̲̥̅̊ № mata D̶̲̥̅̊ distance else gal, go ahead wit Чuя skul. Everytin in lyf is unpredicatable including feelings & emotions. Bt most importantly, pray abt it.
September 24, 2012 at 12:31 pmwell, putting the man age into consideration, he’s ripe for marriage and i don’t expect him to wait for another five years for her to finish her education, so the wise steps to take is to get married to her now,strts a family while she continue with her education but it depends on her fiance understanding.
September 24, 2012 at 12:31 pmAs d saying goes blood is ticker than water, i want to believe that d love b/w 2 of u is genuie, i want u 2 talk 2 him again, i believe everyman has a soft spot within them bt if it will mek u loose a gond man who love u, then don’t tek d scholeship. God knows ur sacrifice n he will create a better opportunity 4 u dat will not affect ur hapiness
September 24, 2012 at 12:31 pmHi Dear, i will advice you to go ahead with the course and always make sure that you speak to him.
Tell him how much you love him, and you try to remain a good girl.
“Life is full of risk take a bold step”.
If he is for you he will remain us.
Note always pray to your God because he is the author of life.
September 24, 2012 at 12:32 pmMy dear Bunmi, if it happens that you are my blood sister, I would advice you to take your degree, if this guy is meant for you he will surely wait. You can be easily come down for your holidays while Nnamdi can also go for visitation. What is your own is your own. Remain blessed
September 24, 2012 at 12:32 pmDear Bunmi,my advice for you is this, involve God in making your decision. If you really love this guy and he is prepared for marriage then follow your heart. You just said he he takes care of you and you are happy around him. Don’t exchange your joy for a degree. Stick to him and build your home. Don’t forget that love is selfless, make him happy by staying back to start a family with him. I bet you he is going to love and respect you the more for that act.
September 24, 2012 at 12:33 pmDear Bummi,I advice u n Nnamdi just get married while u still travel 4 ur programme cos if I were u dats exactly wat I’ll do. I cannot forgo my educational pursuit cos its more important dan anything eva. My dear don’t 4get ur prayers,God has a reason 4 all these. Take care.
christopher Aghedo
September 24, 2012 at 12:33 pmDear bunmi,you have to understand setting things in Life in a relationship you both watchout for each others happiness but in a sensitive matter as this,you must treat it with wisdom becuse you love your hero nd what you have been longing for(scholarship)has come to pass,All you need to do right now is to pray to God to change his heart and seek God’s face in your decision making.if he is throughly the guy God has designed for you he will see reasons with you but if he is not your man you will no that all that glitters are not gold.for the now don’t do any thing that will hurt is feelings,All you need to do is just for you to keep praying consistencly,if he is throughly yours nothing can take him away from you.thank you
September 24, 2012 at 12:33 pmGud day everyone , my advice 2 u my dear bunmi is go ahead on what is in your mind. If it’s the will of almighty God that you get marry 2 him, he will wait 4 you. But if not 4get about wat he has been given 2 you ok, or hw he has been taken good care of you. Let me tell you dis , if u succeeded in going 4 d scholarship , it 4 d advantage to ur future, ur family, ur community nd d nation at large, distance is nt a barrier in any relationship ok. He ought to understand. What if is him, won’t him go. If both of you love each other, he ought 2 know dat love is mutual understand . He ought to support you to go ahead, it’s for good to both of you. D knowledge you will get is go to be 4 both of you ok.
September 24, 2012 at 12:34 pmMy dear,take the schorlaship opportunity! Explain the importance of independence to ur man and if he still says u should not go,just drop him! If u don’t take this chance,5yrs from now you will regret havi choosen him over ur progress! A good husband will always come but u don’t get this kind of academic wonder everyday! How are u even sure the guy is the right man for u? Remeber a man’s attitude during friendship is completely different from his attitude in maariage! Be wise and go to school!
martina E
September 24, 2012 at 12:35 pmDear Bummi, I can imagine your confusion. I understand Nnamdi’s fear but if he really love you then he shouldn’t cage you. Sometimes love is abt setting each other free, just think about it, in ten yrs time will you still be happy with yourself for for letting an opportunity to improve your self and subsequently your family paSs you by? What if by nxt year yu break up with him, won’t yu regret not pursueing your carreer?
Dear girl if I where yu, I will go after my carreer, if he loves me enough he will trust that i won’t leave him, and even if that happens, its becos I met someone better
Think abt it
September 24, 2012 at 12:35 pmDear Bunmi,
In as much as your personal endeavours are very important to you, your priorities have to be set right. You are 25 and you have a lot of time ahead of you but I wouldn’t advise you to just abandon him and leave like that. My advise is this: try to talk to him and beg him to see reasons with you. Give him the advantages associated with you doing this and beg him to understand. If he values you and wants the best for you, he will give it a second thought. Also bear in mind that the world does not end with a man being able to provide everything for you, in these times, a lady still needs to stand on her feet and have her own thing In 5 years time, he would be 40 and that is probably his concern. If he insists, you guys should just go ahead and get married b4 you leave. Above all, if you believe in God, sincerely ask Him what to do at this point because this needs wisdom.
September 24, 2012 at 12:35 pmBunmi, ℓ̊ will advice you to do Nnamdi’s wish, since according to you, he i̶̲̥̅̊s̤̥̈̊ a good man. Obey him first and am sure you won’t regret your decision, remember we are in Africa, and no reaL man will want to spend the rest of his life with a woman that will not respect his wish. Marry him and build a home together. May God bless your home
Victoria Ezechukwu
September 25, 2012 at 4:29 pmMy Dear, I would advise you to follow your heart but only after reasoning carefully. If you decide to forgo your scholarship, remember that this days no man wants a liability but an asset. You would have more value to any man when you get this degree. Human beings change. What if after some months or years of marriage your man is no longer stable as he was before, and you can’t assist, he would no more look at you the way he used to see you, but if you assist him, he will respect you so much more. If you say after you get married you will try again to get a scholarship, also remember that immediately you get married the average Nigerian will start counting down to you having a baby and when children are in the picture, you will find it more difficult to go abroad to pursue your career even to get a degree in Nigeria having kids is not child’s play.
If you decide to go for the scholarship, if Nnamdi loves you he will wait, even though he leaves you, you have added value to your self and you will find a man who would value and respect you more. Dear still try to convince him and pray about it. Only God knows best.
chioma triciakiel
September 24, 2012 at 12:36 pmIf I have a scholarship to study abroad,,babe I will not look back, Nnamdi can wait if he truly loves u or both of u can travel together and start a new life. Golden opportunity doesn’t come twice.
September 24, 2012 at 12:36 pmGo for ur dreams girl…..if finally he marries u,d years u both will spend together is gonna be more dan 4 or 5yrs u will be away and if truly he loves you ,he will want to see you a successful woman and not a liability house wife
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pmSince is abroad issues and scholarship that means u cnt be deported,just trý explain with understandin then if he cnt wait for u then leave him bcos opportunitý comes bt once and good things they say doesn’t just be made first then any other things follows bt if u refuse this opportunity u and nnamdi can seperate someday and u wil have ur self to blame.Always be wise
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pm♍ D̶̲̥̅̊ær̶̲̥̅̊ bunmi if Nnamdi truly luvs U̶̲̥̅̊ like he said he wud neva ask U̶̲̥̅̊ 2 forefit U̶̲̥̅̊Я dreams ąπϑ becum ά housewife instead he sud support U̶̲̥̅̊Я dreams ąπϑ find ά ãƔ 2 still B̶̲̥̅ε̲̣̣ with U̶̲̥̅̊. ♍ D̶̲̥̅̊ær̶̲̥̅̊ bunmi pls ask U̶̲̥̅̊Я self dis important question can Nnamdi forefit his dreams for U̶̲̥̅̊Я sake? If U̶̲̥̅̊ can ansa Ƌ̲ä† question den i believe U̶̲̥̅̊ can take ά wise decision. Take kia.
Adedeji adebisi
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pmBunmi u av 2 thnk hard 4ist b4 u cn take anybody advise nd let m tel u sumtin c marriage is simple when u step in2 it with al it takes bt difficult when u rush into it without knowin wat it takes dnt go bunmi it 2 mch wat do u xpect of ur husband 2 do at om let m tel u if u go u wil loose ur husband nd u say he carin c anoder opportunity wil cum dnt loose ur marriage cos of a smal tin
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pmHello bunmi,u fiance is scared of losing u because he loves u but what if he happens to be in ur shoes?,i bet he won’t hesitate. I believe if he loves u, like he claimed,he should ve started plans of marrying u, since money is not a problem for him . Some opportunity comes but once,take d risk and go for d scholarship. If he so loves u,he will look for a way to keep u. No one can take what is rightfully ur!
ify mokwunye
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pmGoing through the story,I noticed she used the word “may” never find a man like him again. It’s a very hard decision to make but it’s at times like these that we choose between a career life and a homely life. It’s not really clear what level of education you’ve attained but if it’s secondary you’re with;I’ll advice you go for the scholarship. Whatever is truly yours will find it’s way to you whether long or short distance. Go girl!
Tosin Godswill
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pmOh dear! Bunmi I understand how u feel and I must say its hard but nevertheless, I think if Nnamdi loves u passionately the way u depict it, he would do 1 of two thgs: show a higher level of commitment by performing any of d marriage rites eg. Introduction ceremony, go to d registry, or do d traditionals. 2) wait For u to fulfill ur dreams. Love is about sacrifice! When u love sm1, u don’t cage them u allow dem to be free. Love is a free spirit! Wen u have a pet, u don’t cage dem all day; u let dem free! Why? Becos they will always come back to u; becos they belong to u. Thinking dat he might loose u, or u might loose him is understandable, but Love alwaYs triumphs! Love always wins! Love will last forever! If u stay and 10yrs down ur married life u had an opportunity to be promoted or given a position, yet ur only stumbling block is dis scholarship u got and never went. U will be sad and bitter; everytime u think abt why u never went, u will be hostile to d man of ur dreams who bcos of a selfish interest didn’t allow u to fulfill ur dreams. If u accept it And u go, and nnamdi leaves u, then Bunmi love, he never deeply and truly loved u! Love will always wAit! Love bears all things! Love is seeing d one u love been happy, fufilled and comfortable. Love is the ultimate sacrifice of self and all its desires for d other person. My advice: fulfil ur dreams! Dreams have priority; Nnamdi is also ur dream. He shld be willing to sacrifice for u. Yes u may say why can’t I sacrifice for him and not go? Let me ask: what is d main reason he doesn’t want u to go? He doesn’t like long distance relationships! He is afraid of loosin u? If u love him, he won’t loose u! And vice versa. But those reasons aren’t strong enough to keep u from been fulfilled. Talk to him, agree with him, always and afterall love iS what matters And it never looses. It always Wins! Take care love. Just one question: if it was nnamdi who got dis opportunity, will he not go bcos of fear of loosing u? Think abt it dear. Thanks
Udokwu Izuchukwu
September 24, 2012 at 12:37 pmMy dear, if you have gotten your first degree, i advice you stay back if at all he is planning to marry you, but if you don’t have any degree yet, go for it, you can still find a better person.But most of all trust your instinct and follow your heart.
September 24, 2012 at 12:38 pmMa dear bunmi I do envy you n ur fiancé but I just wnt u to realise dat dis scholarship is not a days job its gonna last for four good years and age is already telling on u n ur fiancé pls just try n let go of d scholarship pls dnt use dis scholarship as a means of quitting ur wonderful relationship. Life is about the art of drawing without an eraser, so be careful while taking decisions about the most valuable pages of your life. Anoda scholarship awaits u by the grace of God. tk care.
Bietnaan Longbaam
September 24, 2012 at 12:38 pmMy dear I want to ask u this question, if u give up ur education for ur relationship and he breaks ur heart will u have any regrets? And if u sit him down and explain how important ur education is to u, how it fufills u n he still doesn’t understand can u love him still? The best things in life carry the most risk and sacrifice, nobody can tell u which decision to take because deep inside of u u know which will make u haPpy all u need do is take that risk and live wit it, don’t regret whatever decision u make! Its about ur happnieSs not ur mother, not ur father, not ur husband urs, sometimes we nEed to be a little selfish and be happy!
abayomi otunola
September 24, 2012 at 12:39 pmdear bunmi,the truth is that in as much as ur fiance takes care of your need and gives u whtaever you want he can never give u the most important thing which is your future and wat determine your future is education. no man wanta a liability for a wife no man wants a dummy or a pet as a wife every succesful man wants a wife that can level up to him in terms of intellect, morals, if truely he loves you he surely wil want your happiness and your happiness is getting a degree irespective of where or when it is, if he does’nt feel save trusting you then he’s not worth you. toe on a save side yu can av an engagement to put ur mind at rest. Best regrads and i wish u the very best
Peter dike
September 24, 2012 at 12:39 pmMy dear freind, the best advice i can give u is, since your fiance is dear for all your needs, and you both love each order, then you should accept his offer because if you don’t you will lose him forever. So go with him then later he will sponsor you to achieve ur dreams in a near by intitution, whereby he can be with you rite bunmi an u both can achieve your dreams . Dont make same mistake other couples make pls. Bye 4 now
September 29, 2012 at 10:36 pmHi dear,I don’t have much to say but remember what God said ”Dat His plans 4 us is of good and not of evil,to give us OUR EXPECTED END.So I will advice u go on with ur scholarship,if d man is truly urs,then God will perfect everything dat concerns u both cos when He says YES ‘nobody’ can say ‘NO’.Finally make sure u put God first in everything u do so dat HE WILL LEAD D WAY.
ogunsola abiola
September 24, 2012 at 12:39 pmseriously i have never been the type to sugarcoat words, i can only advise to search yourself and make a priority list. the question…your degree or your man? its a two way thing; your degree with wonderful results would defintely gave you a great advantage in your career choice, your man can decide to either stay around or leave. if he stays;brilliant but if he leaves, you will probably feel heart broken for awhile, meet another man someday maybe…you will just have to wait and see right. the other side to the story is probably to forget about the scholarship, look for a good university around do your degree thing while you hold on to your man. its really not about the long run, its about you, the people that matter to you and the now. so pick your choice baby and please pray as much as you can over this and be sure what GOD wants you to do. cheerios
Agnes .P.
September 24, 2012 at 12:40 pmMy dear education is very important in ones life, dis is ur opportunity in life take it, if he truly luvs u he will support ur dream, either wait for u or marry u b4 u leave, afterall dere are many ways of communications. Above all pray n ask God for direction he’ll surely direct u
September 24, 2012 at 12:41 pmBummi,do u already have a first degree?if not i’ll advice u make him undastand hw important it is 2 u to get 1.en considering d situation of our country now,education is very 1 can make a decision 4 u,u ar d person wit d shoes n u knw where it hurts most.weigh ur options en pick d 1 u need d most.but if u already have a degree,dis is a plus.either ways u have 2 sit him down n try 2 convince him and also let him know how much u luv him en won’t dssapnt him.d ball is in ur court.(Ur education wen acquired can neva b taken away 4rm u but a man can dissapoint u at any time)pray about it en seek God’s help 2.i wish u d best of luck.
(facebook name) tunde Olusona
September 24, 2012 at 12:41 pmFirst let me congratulate you on your scholarship, but its glaring you love him so much and you’re happy with him, you also confessed he’s been meeting most of your needs and its glaring how your relationship has had positive effects on both families. I’ll advice you “if you feel your relationship and marital life is more important than academics success” stay with him here, and both of you can still look an avenue to advance your career here in Nigeria too, stay and stick with him. You’ve said it all yourself “you may never find another man like him again”. You can still achieve great things with his support and goodwill. God be with you. Tunde Olusona
princess Gbemi
September 24, 2012 at 12:42 pmSweetest heart, I don’t even need the recharge card, but need to talk to you. my first opinion is that you seek the face of God for him to direct your steps. Second, I am currently in the U.S studying for my PhD and I know how hard scholarships are to find, in any part of the world. Though I’m a citizen, it’s still hard to get a full scholarship. I see my friends who are international students without funds for school as they struggle. People will KILL for this opportunity you have. The scholarship won’t dissapoint you for four years but the man may or may not. Persuade him that since he’s comfortable, you guys can spend vacations together as he could come visit while you do the same. If e no agree, there are men here who wasn’t to meet cultured ladies that they want to marry jare. God already knows how we all will end up. Go figure!
September 26, 2012 at 12:20 pmPrincess, your advice was one of the ones picked and you are asks to send someone the recharge card can be given to. Pls I need it, you can give me name and no. pls. Thanks. 08063868718
Akekunle Akeem
September 24, 2012 at 12:42 pmShe needs to take the bull by the horn. This is her career. If the guy leaves her she can get another man that is more better than him. Gone are the days that wives wait for the husband before she can meet all her needs. Its a fifty fifty things
September 24, 2012 at 12:42 pmDear bunmi, sometimes we ve to give up certain things to protect some certain things. Nnamdi is comfortable and u dnt sound like he cant afford to give u another chance to study,this might be a test for you. Prove to him dat nothing , not even the scholarship can come between the both of you(its hard, i know) he might sooner or later enroll you in a better school.cheers
pius francisca
September 24, 2012 at 12:43 pmI realy desire such a schorlarship and so u shouldn’t miss it, and I think ur fiance has some fears not just that he doesn’t want you to grab such a great opportunity so find out what his fears are and fight it together with him and sincerely promise him your love; for there is nothing as beautiful as a man and woman truly in love.
Allwell Nma
September 24, 2012 at 12:43 pmDear Bunmi, Nnamdi really loves you and wouldn’t want to miss you. You are engaged to him and he always meet all your needs, you live very comfortable with him and he is your dream husband. Bunmi, I will advice you leave the Scholarship and settle down, from there this very man that loves you will give you the best you want. If it is education both families will support you and it is better like that. Don’t let the relationship you’ve established in both families spoil. To me, Scholarship can wait if you are so sure that Nnamdi will marry you. It is very hard to establish this type of relationship. Your father is the only one in support of you, you can see that majority carries the vote. Try to ask him when your wedding is coming up and if you are sure he will marry you let the scholarship go and if you are not sure go and make your future bright. The man is ever ready for you and you are engaged looking forward to getting married Please, let the Scholarship go, this is just a temptation so that you don’t end up with ” HAD I KNOWN.
September 24, 2012 at 12:43 pmDear, if he truly loves u , he will wait 4 u. Ur career is ur future nd u have to grow together with it. Talk to ur mum to see reasons with u nd above all pray 2 ur God, present this case to Him, he knows d best 4 u. After talking 2 ur God, den follow ur heart because if u follow ur heart u will not make a mistake. God bless u.
jenny o
September 24, 2012 at 12:45 pmDear Bunmi, I hope u ve heard the saying”follow your heart and it will lead u to pleasant places”.the real question is what do u really want? Where do u see urself in ur career in the next few years? Whose happiness are you pursuing_urs or ur mums? Take a time out and find answers to these questions and then follow ur own heart, surely,it will lead to pleasant places. Stay blessed
ABU zekeri
September 24, 2012 at 12:46 pmHmmmmm! Sure a dilemma and critical indeed, but life is an opportunity which is either forgone or cost. So bunmi, is hard though but to me since you contented with all he does and he can fed and truly care for you babe! You can still win his heart later after you have settle down and by the of God he will be the one to even sponsor your dream career. And remember that what you have that is every woman dream so think wise and put it in prayer let the lord do his will..!think you
September 24, 2012 at 12:46 pmDear Bunmi,talk to God bout it,&pray for divine direction on what nxt to do.Let God’s will be done.
September 24, 2012 at 12:47 pmA woman’s greatest achievement is her family.U may find this lame bt its the blunt truth.Career will always be there,schooling could come later bt finding love is a rare gift.U may achieve all ur career dreams bt never find true love again.Pls i would advise u keep ur studies on hold,reason with him and he agree with u bt if he doesnt,pls stick with ur man.U still have alot ahead of u.AWELE
September 24, 2012 at 12:47 pmBunmi, i advice that u take up the scholarship bcos it is a rare opportunity which comes bt once. Nnamdi might seem d best man now, bt he MIGHT change in future n remember, nothing is permanent. He is loaded 2day n tomorrow, his business might fail. U dnt hv to be solely dependent on ur man, it is beta when u contribute even if it is little. This is ur future n it is in ur hands, if he luvs u, he wil knw dat ur career shld come 1st. If u knw hw to pound, pound in d mortar, bt if u dnt knw hw to pound, pound on our leg.
Joan Taylor
September 24, 2012 at 12:49 pmHi Bunmi,
Go after your dreams, the sky is the limit. Do not allow anyone to stand in your way. Men will comes and go, opportunity only knock once. There will be more men after Nnamdi and better one who will treat and respect you the same way he does. I am a shame of your mother who tells you to put your dreams a side because it’s not going to make Nnamdi happy, what about your happiness. Nnamdi should be the one who encourages you to go after your dreams. If Nnamdi really loves you he should support your dreams and aspiration. As a mother of three I am going to give you the same advise I give to my own daughters, which one is of your age, first, ask yourself, what would you be and then do what you have to do, Bunmi, go get your education you are only 25 years old, if and when you are finish accomplishing your goals and dreams, and Nnamdi still around you can marry him, if not, bigger and better fishes are in the ocean. Follow your dreams. Here is a quotes of inspiration I hope they will help make your decision a little easier and I quotes “Happy are those who dream, dream and are ready to pay the price to make them come true” Leon J. Suenes
Good Luck
pius francisca
September 24, 2012 at 12:50 pmTake the schorlarship or live with saying “I gave up my schorlarship for u” at any little couples’ wahala.
September 24, 2012 at 12:50 pmMy dear if ur guy really love u , let him go to ur parent house and do some necessary things like paying ur dowry. So dat u can stick together forever, also he travel with u if he can’t stay without u. My dear education is d first thing in life, u hv d opporunity to study abroad pls go for it.
Emy A.
September 24, 2012 at 12:51 pmBunmi u need just the Holy Spirit & U (If u are a Christian) to know what to do. No one can guarantee u the future but I hope that u find happiness. Be still & listen to that tiny voice inside of u. That voice will never lead u astray.
September 24, 2012 at 12:53 pmHmmm…a tough one, I must say….Bunmi, you are 25 n he’s 35. By the time you re done with your studies, you will be 30 and he will be 40. To be away from someone that u love n loves u in return for 5yrs isn’t easy…5yrs is not 5weeks or 5months, anything can happen. But from your story, I know travelling for ur studies will really make u happy n u don’t think u sld miss d opportunity….My advice: If Nnamdi is not yet ready to take you to d altar, then go for your studies, he’s 35 n not 21, I mean he’s old n man enough to make dat move n u said uve bin engaged for 2yrs. How long do u wanna wear dat engagement ring before the real thing is done? Now Bunmi d big advice is dis, u don’t have to walk up to Nnamdi n say marry me or I will go for my studies…NO. Just have a soft but serious dialogue with him n from his responses, u should know if he’s ready to settle or is still waiting for the rite time….if he sincerely luvs u n is ready to marry u ASAP, then marry him cos if u were married to him n dis opportunity came, u wldnt think of travelling…u wld stay….so Bunmi…all d best.
Talatu Talatu
September 24, 2012 at 12:53 pmLOL!!
September 24, 2012 at 12:54 pmHi Bumy, seriously U̶̲̥̅̊ need Gods devine intervention. Spend some time with God and let his angels lead U̶̲̥̅̊ on what to do. Every1 is saying thesame thing here which one W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ U̶̲̥̅̊ pik.humanly speaking i W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ tell U̶̲̥̅̊ to go for ur studies its very important if that man is urs, U̶̲̥̅̊ guys W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ b together. He W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ respect U̶̲̥̅̊ more with that certificate because U̶̲̥̅̊ wont have to depend on him for all ur needs in future even if he has the capability to take care of U̶̲̥̅̊, well talk to your God, only him has b best answer to this question.
Michael Anyaegbunam
September 24, 2012 at 12:57 pmBunmi this is a critical situation that may go along way to define your future so you must make the right choice. First of all Marrage is not compulsory, forget about the stereotyping that a Woman needs a husband to be happy and complete. Like you said you want the scholarship so much, so you have got to go for it. You need all the skills you can acquire so you can be able to utilise all your potentials and to put you in a better position to affect your world. Your fiance might be given you all you need now but what about when he starts acting up? moreover, you are not even sure he will end up marring you if he is threatened by the fact that you want to go and improve on yourself, then he is not man enough. If he truly loves you he should wait for you but if he can’t a better person will show up.
Benie Ajos
September 24, 2012 at 12:57 pmDear,wisdom is always profitable.This scholarship is a rare opportunity you may never get again.I know you guys love yourselves,but your dream can’t be ignored as well your love for Him.If he feels so insecure and against distant relationship then you guys could get married asap;after which you go for your study.Assuring him of spending quality time together during holidays. Love is all about sacrifice,but for good reasons for a better future.
Adrienne Addai
September 24, 2012 at 12:58 pmLife is what you make of it. I understand you very much in love with your fiancé, but quite frankly you will regret it if you don’t pursue your dreams to the fullest. You will always have it at the back of your “what if I have done that, what if I have done this”. The truth of the matter is nowadays there is technology such Skype, twitter, blackberry, iPhone face time etc you can keep in contact with your love no matter where you are. If he truly loves you he will wait for the 4 years, plus you can visit back home during holidays. Life is what you make of it, i imagine you have been there for him in the past and now it’s time to make life about you, eventually yours love ones will accept and respect you for your decisions. WHY? It’s because they LOVE YOU….. Wish you all the best
@adrienneaddai (let me know how it goes)
September 24, 2012 at 12:58 pmGirl,the best thing for you is to go for the scholarship.if really its true love he has for you he will wait.the scholarship is important than any man or anything.keep that in mind.the heart aslo can Decieve careful and choose wisely
OJUKWU Nkem Sandra
September 24, 2012 at 1:01 pmFirst thing first, love and distance have never been best of friends. Only a VERY FEW people have been able to blend love and distance to the point of success.- VERY FEW. Trust me I once thought I was among the very few who could but in the end I found out I wasn’t. When my boyfriend of two years who left for Malaysia to further his education ended up marrying someone else. But I’ve moved on now and found someone I truly deserved. As humans we should have an order of preference showing a scale of things that mean so much to us that we crave to have. You need to sit down and find your list out. I’m not saying you should or must leave, but you really need to be educated. The Nnamdi you revere so much now might be taken away from you sooner. I do not wish him death but it happens. Two of my friends husbands died shortly before 6months. If such a thing happens, how do you fend for yourself. From what I noticed you’re going for your first degree, you need to patch yourself up (education-wise). Sometimes, in order to love someone else you need to love yourself first. Let’s say you stay, if Nnamdi can push you through school here then its worth the stay. And trust me, not because you guys truly love eachother and your parents are in goods terms means you’re destined for each other. Live is funny, my own parents and my boyfriend’s were both in good terms but in the end my fears happened. Whatever happens learn to move on. But if Nnamdi isn’t ready to put you through school here if you decide to stay then its not worth. Such an opportunity didn’t come for nothing. I know you feel this way because you’re a woman, if Nnamdi was in your shoes he would take it no matter what, with the hope that you both meet later in the future. Men think differently from women, so I’m not surprised its only your father who encourages you to go. You just have to learn to walk tall and sometimes women need to think like men. Nnamdi will never sacrifice such an opportunity for you. He wont
Bunmi Sylvia
September 24, 2012 at 1:02 pmDear bummy,it is gud 2 av som1dat luvs u and understandable but if he lovs u truelly.
He wil allow u to go since he’s not enemy of progress but if he stil insist pls quit d relationship and proceed.
david amos
September 24, 2012 at 1:02 pmdere’s a sayin dat goes like dis “you can’t eat your cake and have it”.my advice to you is dat u should obey your man and marriage is all about sacrifice.i wish you de best.thanks
mama dav
September 24, 2012 at 1:03 pmThis is a very tricky situation. Sincere he is not opposing you been a career woman I suggest that you find a school here in Nigeria that you can pursue your aspiration and still allows you keep your relationship. In relationship we sometimes compromise or sacrifice to make it work. Remember you are an African woman and here there is no respect for single women no matter how successful they are. Talk to him and dont be selfish about this since you said he has been very good to you. But dont sacrifice your future by not pursuing your desired carear, just compromise the location. He may even allow you do the same cause after some years of marriage. So just apply wisdom and it is well with you…
Jennifer Epelle
September 24, 2012 at 1:05 pmDearie, I believe that love comes with sacrifice, in this case I think you should go for the scholarship which u’ve always wanted and also be with your man too, if he truly have genuine love for you he should be willing to let you go for your studies and try to work out the ways u can both be together, like your holiday periods or he can also visit you while you’re there. Marrying him alone cannot give you all the joy and fulfilment you need in this life, four years is not that long and if you guys are able to work out time to be together in between it will just be like you never left. Good luck
September 24, 2012 at 1:05 pmhi Bunmi,frm d look of things.u seems 2 av a very gud fiance,since he has been dia 4u al dis wile,i think u stil need 2 tlk 2 him concerning dis golden oportunity u r abt 2 grab,dat u r nt going dia 4 eternity,cos i believe dat if u guys r made 2 be,definitely it wl n nt even ur prograne croad wl wl hinder it,dn’t alow dis golfn oportunity 2 slip off u,neva u alow ur self 2 end up as a house wid ok,open ur eyes n grab ur dreams,thnk u.
September 24, 2012 at 1:05 pmI assume u already discussed how important d scholarship is to u with him.U said if u go u could loose him?In life we always have to make is d time to weigh which one is more important to u; ur fiance or ur carrier.I will advise u to find out how long u can defer ur admission to give u time to settle down first.True love is not easy to come by. Goodluck Bunmi
September 24, 2012 at 1:06 pmNnamdi can change his mind anytym.No one knws 2mao,God 4bids!,wat if he dies in d first year of ur marriage? U̶̲̥̅̊ would hv passd on a once in a lifetym opportunity.if he Ȋ̝̊̅§ d one 4 U̶̲̥̅̊,God wil keep him 4 U̶̲̥̅̊.if he luvs U̶̲̥̅̊,he wil support U̶̲̥̅̊,cos its ultimately 4 his own good.pls take d scholarship.
Nneka Njoku
September 24, 2012 at 1:07 pmMy dear, there is one thing in life that helps one in achieving his goals in life and that is setting your priorities right. When you have two options like this, you place them in the order of priority if you end up achieving both great but if you achieve one the second one maybe a sacrifice you made for the first. So, my dear, I wouldn’t know the one you desire most “education” or “marriage” the choice is still yours just bear it in mind that most times we don’t get all we desire, there is always room for ” sacrifice” in life. I pray that God will see you through because He is the God of all possibilities.
September 24, 2012 at 1:07 pmEducation is good but you also have to look at pressing situations like age. He is 35 and will be 40 when you are thruogh with the course and likewise you will be 30. He may have plans of marrying earlier than 40.
Who told you that you won’t be the one to leave him alone if you go for the course and find someone else. My dear, 5 years is a real lot and things will change.
Married people still go for higher degrees. Sort out your marital life before you start finding yourself unmarried and desperate.
Take your question to the most high God and he will answer you. Thank you and wishing you the best.
September 24, 2012 at 1:08 pmBummi u knw wat jst and talk to ur guy make him see thing ur way I believe his love u so much that he can let u to go 4 ur digree good lock
Stephen Tayo
September 24, 2012 at 1:08 pmMuch as i wudnt wnt Bunmi 2 lose on both side i wud suggest she consult a genuine Clergyman/ woman 4 spiritual counseling nd guidance. Why bcos d spiritual controls d physical.. Dis is d best u can get.. Trust me!
Nwaogu Anita
September 24, 2012 at 1:10 pmDear bunmi,my candid advise goes ds way,try to talk to ur Fiance about the programme nd how important it is but before you do this talk to God about it nd tell him to touch his heart to your favour,i know he will definitely agree but if he doesnt my dear,stick to his opinion about it cos honest men are rare to come by these dayz.takia
September 24, 2012 at 1:10 pmBunmi… This situation presents you with a tough choice but then who says you really have to make a choice? Can’t the system be manipulated? Well I’d say you could defer your admission for a year and within that time you both get married. He does not want a distance relationship so I’d suggest you both relocate to the US as a couple. It might involve him making a huge sacrifice but I know in the end you both will be better off for it. So while your admission is deferred get married and start processing your visas together. Now I say this because while I wouldn’t want you to lose Nnamdi since you both seem so in love, I do not think you’d be doing yourself any good by forfeiting a lifetime opportunity to pursue your dream. When you get to the height of your chosen career both of you will be very proud of your achievement and grateful at the same time that you made the right choice
Stella ude
September 24, 2012 at 1:11 pmEducation is the best no matter who or what you think you are. Education helps you to have a say in the society,and the certificate will always be useful today,tomorrow or in the future. So my advice is for you to go and study your dream course,the opportunity might not come again but no matter what you will definitely meet another man. If he is yours he will support and wait for you because he knows that’s what you have always dream of you,this is a sacrifice he needs to make for the relationship,cos that is what relationship is all about sacrifices. Besides if he cares a lot you guys could share the holidays like you -Nigeria or him- to wherever it is u are,it will be fun and before you know what’s happening the fours years is gone. I support your dad so follow your heart.
September 24, 2012 at 1:13 pmMy darlin sista, there is a purpose 4 everything dats happenin, opinion(1) pray to God for direction (2) pray to God to show u if he is d right man 4 u, (3) education is more important and a scholarship 4 dat matter. If he is rightfully urs, he will let u go or even wait 4 u no mata d yrs or he can come ove to see u once in a while. Pray hard n be wise, don’t let ur situation be “HAD I KNOW” abt d scholarship yrs later. God will see u thru.
September 24, 2012 at 1:14 pmI strongly agree wit sandra……Bumi,i will advise U̶̲̥̅̊ go after ur scholarship…after ur degree U̶̲̥̅̊ will meet guys who are far better than him..wish U̶̲̥̅̊ d best in life…..
adebisi ademola
September 24, 2012 at 1:15 pmDear Bunmi,this case need God’s intervention and guidance, if i were you i will deffer my admission for a year to see if Nnamdi and i can get married then work on relocating with my family abroad on study grounds or better still subscribe for an online program. if this options are not possible then i propose you settle down first as you can always get that admission anytime with no age barrier but age can be a barrier in marriage. moreover you may not concentrate on your studies if you have a divided attention. so get focused, settle down, and hope to study later possibly online or any Nigeria institution. i wish you the best pls invite me to your marriage soon.
Ezzy Ezekiel
September 24, 2012 at 1:15 pmM̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ dear Bunmi, M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ candid advice τ̅☺ you is to focus on your career, you said I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ your story that he has been by your side α̲̅πϑ helpful since two years now α̲̅πϑ Ȋ̝̊̅ blv he Ȋ̝̊̅§ aware ☺f your plans & future ambitions, try sit him down, if he truly love you he will surely listen τ̅☺ you. Α̲̅πϑ dnt forget that marriage Ȋ̝̊̅§ å̝̅ life contract, signing †ђξ contract wrongly will βε̲̣̣̣ †ђξ biggest mistake ☺f your life….
Osmond Eze
September 24, 2012 at 1:16 pmBunmi
The situation appears dicey and precarious but objectively and with the benefit of foresight,it is a simple case.Capacity building/enhancement in this information driven age far out weighs emotional and superficial attachment.don’t get me wrong.Love is not self seeking rather,it places others first and above self.Relationship/marriage breaks and sacrificing your academics for this marriage is not a guarantee that you would be happy in it; but knowledge acquired lasts a lifetime and imparts more on our personality.If I love you,I should be happy to see or make you grow and become better than I met you and would never be threatened by your academic prowess and achievement or distance and time.Marriage does not necessarily confer security but education does and we should look beyond what we see today because it is ephemeral and so,you need to widen your horizon and this can only be through education.Though this marriage is important going by your words but your degree for me is far more important so that you don’t ended up as a house wife.This is to avoid despondency later in your marriage which might to lead to complications and the unexpected.Without thinking twice,I urge you to proceed with your studies and you will be glad you did.Age is but number and cannot count against you when it comes to relationship.Good luck.
September 24, 2012 at 1:17 pmMy dear bunmi i think u shuld go since its ur dream come true i think u shuld listen to ur father and for ur fiance if he loves u he will wait for u , he wont date anoder woman since yu claim that he loves u deeply nd passionately he will wait and for the long distance relationship is talkin about thats simple he can always go over ther to check on u so u dont ave to worry just follow ur dream
September 24, 2012 at 1:18 pmI think that you should seek God first and He will surely direct you.However, if you are very certain that Nnamdi is the husband God has designed for you,I suggest that you humble your self and submit to him,cos one thing is for sure if God wills for you to further your studies,he will cause Nnamdi to support you.It may not be now but eventually.
So my dear, get ready to start making huge compromises in marriage,this is just the very first.
juliet joseph
September 24, 2012 at 1:18 pmDear Bunmi, I wish to first observe that at your age if things were really working well for both of you, certainly you should have either graduated by now or married. Life is no longer about mere existence its more about the quality of life itself. The concept of living each day at a time should apply and honestly at present all you have is the key to your future prosperity. Moreso, the essence of good life is for you to live for the benefit of others eg your children. Finally, my advise to you is to proceed on your study abroad,aspire to be great and not relegate yourself to an uncertain future.
Ulunma Idimah
September 24, 2012 at 1:18 pmDear Bunmi, God said in the book of psalms “My word is a lamb to your feet and a light to guild your path” involve him in making your decision. If you truely love Nnamdi and you are engaged to him, you have to convince him the more but if he says no don’t exchange your joy for a degree. He takes care of you and you are happy with him then make your home in him because he can do that for you. He can decide to send you there at his convinence, it is hard to find a caring and loving man. This is a trying moment but you can win with wisdom. Remember, wisdom they said is better than strength. He might decide to even let you go if you give up.
September 24, 2012 at 1:19 pmdear bunmi, u must first set ur priorities. family or school nobody will choose 4 u bt u 4 urself. ar u ready 2 let go of a lifetime happiness jst 4 a 4yr degree? family is more important. get d degree in naija n kip ur man besides it’s nt ur first degree.
September 24, 2012 at 1:20 pmAs much as the home is important, it will be happy when you are relevant. The degree is one of the things that will make you relevant so please pursue it now when you still can. You will need that degree in future and nnamdi will not be able to provide it and it would have been too late. Follow your dreams now when you still can. If nnamdi loves you, he will support you in becoming the woman of your dreams. Tkia.
ijeoma ede
September 24, 2012 at 1:20 pmMy dear bunmi,one tin I want u to know is dat u live ur life once n any mistake u make now will affect u in future. Going abroad to study is a gud tin 2 do but on a 2nd thot I wld rather u stay back in 9ja n get married to ur dream man. U might go abroad n get d degree n regret for d rest of ur life y u left ur fiance(Vanity). But above all seek d face of God n wat eva he tells u to do den do it. I wish u all d best n pray u make d right decision
Sunday Adex
September 24, 2012 at 1:21 pmAll I believe in is Love, if he truly love her, he must allow her to pursue her career. Education is most impportant
September 24, 2012 at 1:21 pmR/ship is all abt sacrifice. Bummi dis is 4 u nt him, if u rily luv him u must b ready and able 2 make sacrifices no mata d consequences.
September 24, 2012 at 1:22 pmpls bunmi follow your heart.if he loves you as he claims he will understand you and support you.i advise you go for the scholarship cos its your future not his.he will understand if he dosent then he is not Gods man for you.there are so many men that are better than him out there.he is just jealous and afraid that you will leave him when you get there.or better still make yourselves a promise not to leave each other.this is a life time opportunity dont miss it because of a man that is not your husband yet.good luck
September 24, 2012 at 1:22 pmCongrat for ∂ scholarship Bunmi….Since U̶̲̥̅̊’ve said U̶̲̥̅̊ doubt ever meeting dat kind of man again..Definately U̶̲̥̅̊ can come across some kind of scholarship here in Nigeria IF U̶̲̥̅̊ BELIeVE…..Stay with your man Ά̲̣̣̣̥Ω̴̩̩̩̥d̶̲̥̅̊ forget about ∂ abroad stuffs…amd have it in mind dat Wotever will be will be..Dats God for U̶̲̥̅̊…Whether U̶̲̥̅̊ stay in 9ja or Abroad…..Don’t loose ur man coz Very good man Are Few nowadays….Am sure he doesn’t want †Φ loose U̶̲̥̅̊ either dats Y he Isn’t in support….Ȋ̝̊̅ hope diz little advice will help….BELIEVE U̶̲̥̅̊ can get something like dat here in Nigeria Ά̲̣̣̣̥Ω̴̩̩̩̥d̶̲̥̅̊ also engage with your man……Thanks
Diane Davis
September 24, 2012 at 1:23 pmDear Bunmi,
I will sincerely advice that U follow ur dream & go with ur schorlarship, remember u have been in this courtship for 2yrs & to a man who u say satisfy u with evrything, so what kept u this long in courtship? If he Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ truely what he is u guys shuld have been planning marriage now. Also what makes u think you will get married in 4yrs? I advice u just pursue your dream,Ȋ̝̊̅ was ones in A̶̲̥̅ cicurmstance like this Ȋ̝̊̅ pursue M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ dream & today i Ǻ♍ married to A̶̲̥̅ bettter man than the one I thought is the best. Bunmi trust me when Ȋ̝̊̅ say go to school & if your man did not wait there is a better one out there for you. Remember all things work together for good & I Ǻ♍ talking to you base on experiance.
Ebuka Okoye
September 24, 2012 at 1:25 pmMy Dear, Bunmi, my sincere advice to you is just to follow your Heart. You knows your dream, we have our different dreams and perspectives in life. I don’t see this as a big case, because if there is high understanding and mutuality between you two, this gonna be a trouble.
Please kindly pray to the Almighty, for his divine direction
September 24, 2012 at 1:29 pmbunmi dis life is a risk,talk to him convince him as a lady let him no you are for him. u guys can even go to court and do court married for him to be sure of u during ur holiday time u can come home for a visit,my dear true love is hard to get u just need to convince him
September 24, 2012 at 1:31 pmAnd another thing….what stops you from doing an online masters? I
Ebuka Okoye
September 24, 2012 at 1:31 pmMy Dear, Bunmi, my sincere advice to you is just to follow your Heart. You knows your dream, we have our different dreams and perspectives in life. I don’t see this as a big case, because if there is high understanding and mutuality between you two, this not gonna be a trouble.
Please kindly pray to the Almighty, for his divine direction
Caroline Mary
September 24, 2012 at 1:32 pmMy dearie, life is full of challenges! There is a moments of joy, critical moments and moments of sadness. In dis ur critical moment, u need to examine urself on how sure u are in accepting to spend the rest of ur life with Nnamdi. Secondly, examine urself on how serious Nnamdi is to marry u. Finally, if both of of u have confirmed God’s approval of ur marriage, then tell him to come and pay for ur pride price, go for wedding if possible then go for ur scholarship programme because is ur future and it will benefit both of u in future. U guys might end up living in abroad through this golden opportunity. Four years of distant relationship will not kill both of u because there is always a moment of distance in a relationship, it brings value, respect and as well grows the love in a relationship. In this distance relationship, temptation from men and women will come for both of u, but ur “NO” to them will proof ur love for each other. This is a moment to proof ur love for each other. Pls don’t joke with ur future because is God’s blessing and u may not have this opportunity again.
Samuel Chinwe Worlu
September 24, 2012 at 1:34 pmFirst of all, I would want you erase the false impression of not getting some like him anymore; it is not true at all… Also I believe a distance relationship is not a too much challenge and will definitely become closer if the love you share with each other is true, selfless, and strong, that is, you guys have been together for a long while.
Now, since the scholarship is something good you have always wanted and he truly supports your dreams and aspirations, which will be beneficial for you guys thereafter, I believe He should trust you enough to let you go do your studies. The bible says true love has no fear in it. All he needs is trust and believe God for you while you are away. More so, once there is a strong communication link while you are away, the ‘love-bond’ will still be mutual and strong. In the same vein, you can also decide to visit from time to time to keep the relationship alive. Prayers can also absolutely help make your decision mutual; tell your plight to God through prayers, and He will sure cause lines to fall on pleasant places for you – He knows the best for you.
However, If your finace bluntly refuses to succumb to your scholarship study abroad, am afraid you might have to let him go if he sole desires to leave. Education opportunity like the one you mentioned is rare and should be embraced and maximized.
God will always bring the right people into your life, but you have to be wise enough to let people walk away if they only seek their own desire and won’t let you pursue and achieve your aspirations. This is my humble, harmless advice. All the best. Cheers.
olashile ojuroye
September 24, 2012 at 1:34 pmI don’t think a guy who claims to love a woman won’t allow her pursue her dreams…if nnamdi truly love u den he would allow u go for d scholarship.Well I bliv he’s scared of loosin u buh relationship z bout trust nd relationship.Allow him to trust u nd also let him know dat u love him nd u wld also lyk to pursue ur own career nd I know wen u r thru wiv schoolin,he wld b proud of u.Lastly don’t quarell wiv him over dis!!!jst tell him ur mind. Nd folo ur heart!!!
September 24, 2012 at 1:35 pmDearie ur drive and passion for education is laudable and very admirable especially in a time like this when most girls think only of marrying a succesful husband and nothing more. I should say though that education is an opportunity that abounds forever and its access gets easier with time whereas true love “might” come just once in a lifetime. Love is a sacrifice and now urs is being tested. The decision is ultimately yours but weigh what u might lose and gain and whichever outweighs is your answer… Goodluck
September 24, 2012 at 1:37 pmif god says is u husband will marry ur,l will advice u to follow ur study. Gd byel
vera omoike
September 24, 2012 at 1:37 pmDear bummi It is jst so unfortunate dat tins is moving dis way but 1 tin u must kwn is dat nt all d tym dat u must hv ur way.u are an abitous lady and i like u 4 dat but u must be vry careful with d kind of discuss dat u make.if u claim u luv him and u are vy sure he want 2 marry u y not pay some sacrifics see greater luv cast away all fears he is ok financial y don’t u mak an agreement with him dat he see dat he trains u in skull here in nigeria 2 d level u want..I beleive he will agree as long as u are giving up all becos of him.if u travel u will be d 1 2 loss wat is education 2 a woman wen she doesn’t hv a good man by her side?
mary oj
September 24, 2012 at 1:38 pmBunmi, first of all, see ur pastor for counselling, secondly, conduct a 3days 6-6 fastin and prayer and ask God for his will, direction,ask him if Nnamdi is urs. God can change d situation by giving you both d man and d scholarship. The lord is ur strenght.
September 24, 2012 at 1:39 pmplease my sister, if you know both of you realy love each other, forget the degree and get married to nnamdi, education is good but your happiness in life is most important, GOD is the head of christ, christ is the head of church and man, while man is the head of woman, woman is a supporter to man, so if nnamdi is there for you and family just as GOD is there for his loyal servant then why are you afraid,only put GOD first in your live and pray that nothing should make you or him to change. if you will like please read this following bible passage, proverbs 31v 10-31, ephesians 4v26-32, ephesians 5v14-33 and 6v1- 4, hebrews13- 4, 1corinthans 7v 10- 16. read and also give to nnamdi.
thank good lucky.
Okpalo Edith I
September 24, 2012 at 1:39 pmMy dear, I think you should go for your scholarship. If you two are destined to be together he will wait for you. Its the sacrifice he needs to make if he truly loves and care for you as he claims. Good luck.
uka perpetua uzoaku
September 24, 2012 at 1:41 pmBunmi
There is something about love and that is if u love someone u wud be willing to accept compromise. Degree gives fulfilment and not happiness but love makes you fill fulfilled nd happy at the same time.
U can decide 2 let go of this opportunity nd get this degree n nigeria, that way u dnt loose anytin or anyone. Remember there is no age limit 4 education, so u can decide 2 let go of dis opportunity now nd do it n d future or u get ur degree n Nigeria nd be close to the best tin nd best part of ur life
osiyale adedayo
September 24, 2012 at 1:43 pmDear bunmi, pls don’t allow anybody advice u foolish advice. U as a woman can u wait for a man who is travelling for 4years no u can’t so y do u expect him to do same for u. Pls my dear dis is ur life do wat best suits u not sometin dat u would regret in future. Dat is my own advice to u
September 24, 2012 at 1:44 pmFor me, i think if Nnnamdi truly loves and trust Bunmi he would want to support her dreams and aspirations. if he is scared of loosing her, they can get married before she travel abroad. they can also plan on visiting each other since the guy is well to do and I’m sure Bunmi will definitely have some holiday periods during the period of her study. until they are able to come up with alternative way that Bummi can actualize her dreams, she shouldn’t forfeit d scholarship
Moffie shot
September 24, 2012 at 1:46 pmI feel your man’s pain coz time is nt on his side, u re also nt so young. There is need for you to be happy and fulfilled that way your man will get the best from you. my advice, Make your man understand the benefit of this program to you. come up with ideas on how you know you guyz can make the relationship work. (there has to be lot of sacrifies to be made) Get your Dad to also assist in talking to him. Arrange for some form of relationship confirmation (eg intro, engagement or even court wedding) . Pray to God to help you touch his heart. Dont force your man to make the decision, be gentle with him, talk to him with all the love so u can get to his heart. I wish u all the best dearie.
September 24, 2012 at 1:49 pmHi bunmi,
D’true nature of luv is givin nd sacrifice..God is an example of wat true luv is all about…4 God so luv d’world dat he “gave” his “only” begotten son…he sacrificed Jesus for u nd i.
If u truly claim u luv ur man…den dis may b d’sacrifice u hv to pay for dat luv!
Let go d’scholarship…who kwns ,ur man may see dis selfless act of luv nd change his mind…u neva can tell!
Ezinwanne Ajalla
September 24, 2012 at 1:50 pmmy dear this is the time that u need God the most He alone knows what your 2morrow will be. nobody on earth can decide for you. pray then make your decision whichever one you decide to follow just no that it will be painful to let go of the other one but you will definitely find peace and happiness with your choice
September 24, 2012 at 1:54 pmYou need to be able to stand on your own. Education is very important. You are a help mate not a dependent.
Go for your education, marriage will always come. If he is for you he will want you to progress and have your best interest at heart. Before you make any decision always picture yourself 5years later and see if you will be happy with it.
Assume you are a manager in a multinational company and you are transferred out of the country will he advice you to quit or go ahead?
Caroline Mary
September 24, 2012 at 1:58 pmMy dearie, life is full of challenges! There is a moments of joy, critical moments and moments of sadness. In dis ur critical moment, u need to examine urself on how sure u are in accepting to spend the rest of ur life with Nnamdi. Secondly, examine urself on how serious Nnamdi is to marry u. Finally, if both of of u have confirmed God’s approval of ur marriage, then tell him to come and pay for ur pride price, go for wedding if possible then go for ur scholarship programme because is ur future and it will benefit both of u in future. U guys might end up living in abroad through this golden opportunity. Four years of distant relationship will not kill both of u because there is always a moment of distance in a relationship, it brings value, respect and as well grows the love in a relationship. In this distance relationship, temptation from men and women will come for both of u, but ur “NO” to them will proof ur love for each other. This is a moment to proof ur love for each other. Pls don’t joke with ur future because is God’s blessing and u may not have this opportunity again.
chetachi uzodimma
September 24, 2012 at 2:02 pmMy dear,i have to give you this adivce that if the guy have started paying your bride price that you should forget about the scholarship as for now maybe after your marrage and you think you still wants to further your education than u can face your career but if at all he has not do any thing, 1 my daer i will advice you to further your education and you should also tell him that if he truely loves you that he should wait for you, And consider your age ok. Take care
September 24, 2012 at 2:04 pmBunmi in a relationship, Tђƺя̲̅ƺ’s gonna be compromise. I $ǻ¥ it because it’s d secret to building a successful one n love is not just about ‘U̶̲̥̅̊’ , ur partner’s happiness also matters. He does everything for u like u said n it’s not because all he has been doing is convenient for him but i think it’s because he loves u enough to do those things. U can always get another scholarship. U know how to talk to him better than anyone but if he won’t bulge don’t fight it but above all God’s divine wisdom n help is all u need now cos if not, each of these decisions can turn out a gr8 mistake. I wish u best of luck.
shade olorunyomi
September 24, 2012 at 2:05 pmMy dear, i’ll want you to look at this issue from two perspectives-that Nnamdi has been good all these years doesnt mean he’ll continue to be good, humans do change. you could decide to forgo your scholarship programme 4 his sake and still u people may not end up as husband and wife. he could change his mind, u could change yours, his attitude might change, just anything could happen that would stop u two from been married to one another. so i would not want u to base ur decision on the fact that u took watever step u took based on d fact that your relationship looks like its heading towards marriage. it may or may not. secondly i want u to know that true love is all about giving – giving ur self totally to someone else, your all, nothing is too big 4 u to give to someone u truly love. see Bunmi if u truly love this guy u would be willing to let go of watever scholarship just to be with the one u love. true love is about giving ur best to someone else. true love will make u look 4 other ways u can still be whom u want 2 be, wat u want to achieve without risking loosing the one u dearly love. my dear if am to advise u, i’ll want u to forfeit the scholarship programme, if and only if u truly love Nnamdi and please expect nothing in return even marriage, so even if u end up not marrying him, u’ll still be glad that u gave something so dear to u 2 someone u truly love. but my dear if u are uncertain about the love u have 4 him, if u cant convince urself that u truly love him, please dear start packing your bags and making arrangements to take up the scholarship bcos if u stay and even get married to him and the love isnt that true love, my dear i doubt if u’ll ever be happy with him 4 making u loose such a golden opportunity of a life time. one thing i know 4 sure is – if it is true love nothing would be too much or too big to give up 4 the one u truly love.
September 24, 2012 at 2:06 pmDear Bunmi,this is a strong dillema considering this scholarship is what you’ve always wanted.But if I may go biblical,the bible says the blessings of God make rich and add no sorrow.I will encourage you to pray and ask God for wisdom.Your fiance may change his mind later work something out so you don’t forgo your dreams in order to marry him.On the other hand, a proposal from a man who really loves and wants you, whom you have said looks after you is precious.But do you know for a fact that he will always be like that?The scholarship is an opportuinity to invest in your future and if he really loves you, he should be willing to support and encourage you, but yes, the concerns are there.what if you go and you meet someone else who’s better than him.what if you stay and forego an opportuinity that may never come again.?My advice is pray to God to guide you and talk to him again to help make him see reason but if still refuses, you may be better off fulfilling your dreams.If he’s your man, he’ll still come back to you.
September 24, 2012 at 2:09 pmMy word to u is 1. certainly he doesn’t belief in distance relationship or marriage, he will certainly change when u leave.
2. am sure u r not a virgin neither is he so there is slight chance that u can cheat n he could too.
3. your father is d head of d house as well a man he knows what men can become of in later years which ur mother can not deny.
4. d love n care that u get in relationship should not b expected in marriage if not u wil have bp. advice to u is if u can cope with all d scenarios have painted to u make a choice.
September 24, 2012 at 2:10 pmI will start by saying “What gonna be gonna be”Gurl, this is a modern world..and Education is the in thing. So if Nnamdi really loves you and have your interest at heart,he should be the one encouraging you, and not un the contrary, because it is for the good of you both and your children yet unborn..for me, this is just an issue and not a problem. So just talk it over; let him see reasons why you should go for your degree and still get married with him..and if after sittting over this issue and he still insist that you are not going on with your degree, I advice you go for your Education because it is very very essential.. For sure you will get a better person, that’s if he has decided to leave because of ur ambition.
Best of Luck.
Salisu Ibukun
September 24, 2012 at 2:10 pmNothing is 100% certain on earth,everything is all about probabilities and taking risks,but a risk is worth taking if it has more than a 50% chance of bringing forth success.
I would now ask you(Bunmi) some questions which i don’t really need answers to,you only need to search your mind and answer either YES or NO to yourself.
If your YES is more than No,you can go for the scholarship,and if otherwise,i would advice you to stay.
The questions are as follows.
1.Do you love yourself more than you love him?
2.Can you cope without seeing him for 5 years?
3.Are you ready to get married at 25 without having a job of yours?
4.Is the reactions from both parental sides positive about your going?
5.Do you believe in long distance relationship?
Thank you.
September 24, 2012 at 2:11 pmBunmi, wot rily opted me 2 folo dis blog @ 1st was d credit I culd win, bt wen I red ur story I felt very sory 4u. I’m nt rily concernd bout d credit, I jos hop u tk dis advice cos I tink its d best u cn get. U sed it urself dat u mait neva meet a persn lyk Nnamdi again, & u both love ech oda so well & evn planning of gettin married, d tin nw is if he is redy & sure dat u r d woman he wnts 2 spend d rest of his lyf wit, den pls dnt ruin his dreams, & deres no way u both will b able 2 wait 4 4yrs, I wuld av suggessted dat if he truly loves u he shuld respct ur aspirations & wait, bt in dis case, dat aint possibl, somtyms life brings us in2 difficult situations in wch we have 2 mk sacrifices, nw its up 2u, I challenge u 2 mk dis sacrifice of love for Nnamdi, hw dat u ignornd so grt a scholarship 2b wit him, he’l neva 4get it, & dat will prove 2 him dat u truly love him & u’ll giv him d assurance dat u will always stnd by him no mata wot. Dis decision u r about 2 mk will b a story u cn tell & b proud of. Daddy always wnts d best 4 his little gal, & evrytin coms dwn 2 her bein happy, daddy loves u, & will undastand dat u bein wit Nnamdi has brot u joy, hapiness & inner peace, its not jos bout studies all d time, & I’m sure daddy will wnt 2 carry his grand child very soon, lolzzz, buh criously swt@, stick 2 d love of ur life, I wish u both all d best dat life culd bring. U found love, its pricessless.
King Jerry
September 24, 2012 at 2:19 pmHello Bunmi, there are some vital questions that need be ask. For example, what are his plans to further your education and his plans towards the marriage? However, you should not give up your fiancé neither should you give up your education. I believe his love for you should instigate his happiness towards your education in other to bring out the true values and potentials in you to realise your dreams aspirations as a woman.
You going abroad to study should not stop any marriage plans as well, since it’s a scholarship and is a one time opportunity to be happy about which would definitely save you cost. If you both are truly in love then I believe distance should not be a problem. According to you his main concerned is the distance, I believe since his comfortable financially, you could both come up with some kind of arrangement to travel to see each other all through your studies (maybe during holidays and short breaks), which would definitely help and trust me you won’t fell the distance over the course of your studies.
I believe this situation is to test the strength of your Love for each other. Please don’t let each other down and also do remember,
“Distance never separates two hearts that really care.”
“Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.”
“In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.”
“True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes.”
I wish you all the best in resolving this situation with your fiancé. Best wishes.
Please guys, do check out my new blog and follow, it would really mean a lot to me. Thanks.
September 24, 2012 at 2:31 pmDear Bunni my Advice for you is to go and study,you try to talk to your fiance to understand how important is it for both of you,if is meant to be yours you will surely come back for him and him too will wait if he dearly love you and not for a purpose or something.
oluchi iwuala
September 24, 2012 at 2:31 pmHi bunmi,the situation needs Ɣ☺Ʋ †• Put your priorities ♍Ɣ own opinion education is good likewise getting married.Ɣ☺Ʋ and nnamdi should work this out hence if Ɣ☺Ʋ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ sure he wants †• Marry Ɣ☺Ʋ then ask him †• Do the marriage rites and then do a court wedding,by this he could be able †• Come over for visits pendinh when Ɣ☺Ʋ finish and come back.and if he refuses †• Do the marriage rites which gives him a claim on Ɣ☺Ʋ ,I advise Ɣ☺Ʋ carry on with your scholarship programme.
chukwu patience n
September 24, 2012 at 2:50 pmdear bummi,
i must give you these straight and frank advice. career and relationship doesn’t always go together, one must suffer for the other to thrive. The one you love most must come first. Being in love with the right person and him being in love with you does not happen everyday. you are 25yrs and after 5yrs you will be 30 probably married to another man who will not love for not being something ie he will marry you because you are something in life and would not be a liability. Nnamdi love you despite you are not a graduate yet but the other men you will meet will love you because you have achieved something in life. You think of it, he is 35yrs already and by the time you will graduate he will be 40yrs without seeing you, you already said he does not fancy distant relationship and you know “out of sight is out of mind” so i ask this question are you a career woman if yes is your answer then your love for him will have to suffer but if no is your answer then i suggest you listen to him, marry him and get your education here with him. You have been with him for two years i guess you know him more than we do. Remember we can only suggest and advise but the final DECISION about marriage lies with you.
September 24, 2012 at 2:54 pmDear bunmi, my cousin was in this exact dilemma about two years ago.her fiance will not hear of it since he wanted them to get married in about a year.what did she do? she fasted & prayed about the situation asking God to turn her fiance into encouraging her to go for the scholarship if the scholarship was God’s will for her as she has waited for this offer as if her life depended on it. my dear,it pleased God and this same fiance(now husband)turned around to start circulating the news that his fiancee got a scholarship in one of the ivy-league schools. my dear,it was the answer to her prayers o,there is nothing sincere fervent prayers cant do o.Bunmi go to God in prayers let his will manifest . i wish you the best dear.
September 24, 2012 at 2:56 pmFrom your story, somethings are not clear to me. If this Man wiho is 10years older than you is a married man alrealdy because you called him an old man, then you’ve got to leave him and go for your studies. Secondly, you are so scared of the future, who told you you may not get someone like him Or even better than him if you leave? He is afraid you might end up hooking up with another guy. You are not yet married, and so your studies is most important ok ? I mean your future is the first. otherwise let him reason out with you and both of you should agree on how you spend your holidays if you think you can’t do without him. But to be sincere with you dear , millions of people are out there applying for scholarship and you want to throw iit to the dogs. Dear Bunmi, if you are already married to this man my advise would have been simple and straight not to leave. But for the fact that you are not, please seek for your education first. Note by advice here doesn’t mean you should be ungrateful for all he has done for you, but let him know you will still come back to him, if he does not agree Leave Him. He is not your Husband neither your God . Finally seek Gods opinion first and all the best !!!b
Wale Adebayo
September 24, 2012 at 2:58 pmTake your love life serious,because you do not expect a man of 35 years to still wait for another 4 years before starting his own family,for you not to lose him to another lady that is ready.
September 24, 2012 at 2:59 pmHey Bunmi… My advice is, if you truly love him and you have asked God if he is truly your husband before Engaging him. I suggest you as the wife to be to obey his instruction as the head of the Family and stick around. There are good schools here you can attend. Unless those people you would love to see are more precious than him. If you love him I advice you stay.
September 24, 2012 at 3:01 pmHello Bunmi,
I must confess that you are truely at crossed roads right now and i quite feel your mixed feeling of joy, pain, anxiety and yet confussion. Let me be short and Precise.
First, irrespective of your religious background, please pray about it. pray for divine guidance and counsel only God can halp you through this without hassles.
Secondly, We all have dreams and i truely respect your dreams. I believe your Man should as well. on the second hand, Love would always excel and bring one to true happinness. But a confused heart might never see the good in Love or about Love. Love is Patient and Love understands all. It is patient and it is a strong bedrock for all round success. Your Man and Yourself should find a middle ground. If you truely both live eachother, Love would always find a way. It is easy to say go for your dreams or Stay with your Man. What if it was me? LOL! Both of you should be open and have a talk, you need to make your Man understand the joy in going for your dream and also make him understand that you wouldnt want to live him or without him. If your Man Loves you for real he should appreciate and encourage you on your dreams. If you loose your dream, you might never be happy in your marriage no matter what. but if you loose your Man because he failed to understand, then to me thats a red flag on his part for choosing not to understand. who says you cant find one who would appreciate your dreams and Love you even more for it. Both of you should talk about it. But if despite all, he chooses not to understand the importance of your dream to the relationship that both of you have, then please painfully take that walk. else if he chooses to understand and supports you, my dear even in the distance Love would always prevail. Whats the distance between Heaven and the Earth? so far i guess, but yet God’s love is never seperated from us. He can choose to relocate with you, He can choose to come see you often, Both of you could get married ( Thats if you both agree after the talk) and if it is true love, even in the distance, both of you would never get carried away. Though i know its not going to be an easy one. But Trust me, Love like nothing other,irrespective of the distance, would always fid her way Home.
September 24, 2012 at 3:13 pmHi bunmi, this has been ur dreams all this while and God in his infinite mercy has made it to come through. please do not misused this opportunity, it can only come once but if Nnamdi go,someone better than Nnamdi will come for sure. Remember u have to be happy before u can make others happy. Your happiness first because the only thing that is constant in life is change, Nnamdi may change tomorrow.
September 24, 2012 at 3:19 pmMove on with your scholarship programme if Nnamdi is urs, he will wait and if he is not urs then he will go.
Face me
September 24, 2012 at 3:22 pmDear Bunmi, my candid advice goes thus; since the guy is already 35yrs old if you add that 5yrs you are going to study plus internship meaning he will be 40yrs by the time you complete your studies. Meanwhile, you are already 25yrs f age meaning you too would be 30yrs. And you said the guy is a good guy and you love him, I tell you mothers got better advice on issues like this than a father if you ask me. You can get married to him have children and after some time still pursue your dreams. Bcos a good man like you called him is not easy to come by. From age 30, a lady becomes eager and men might not be coming your way like it is now. But if he is not ready to settle down yet pls proceed onn that opportunity f yours dat means you wouldn’t mind loosing him. No matter what we achieve in life all what we ladies want is a kind man to end up our lives with. If you shld miss that now am sorry…….. A word they say is enough for the wise…. You kno what you want so goo for it girl….. I wish you all the best in your choice….. *winks*
ether samuel
September 24, 2012 at 3:30 pmDear,d fact diz its a cômplicate issue,u must stick to one,distance doesnt matter.,all dat matters is love,if d guy really loves u lyk u think then u he must accept and respect ur feelings,coz diz is 21century no woman wil ever want to be a house wife..
September 24, 2012 at 3:32 pmMy dear, tell ur fiance ds..
‘My love, if you really love and mean well for me, you would let me pursue my dreams. Don’t let me spend every day of the rest of my life with you, wondering ‘what if I was this, what if I was that’, allow me do this, and know I will regard this forever.’
That being said, you urself should know, no matter what, it is good for a woman to have done something for herself. If this man dies tomorrow, what do you have?
All these people telling u men are scarce, hold on, my dear, na lie. Just pray to God, do your part. You are not desperate. You have a life ahead of you. You can marry ur fiance while schooling. He can always come to see you or pay for you to come down, since he is dangote.
Pls ehn. Don’t regret not going to school.
September 24, 2012 at 3:57 pmMy dear,I advise you to pray about this very seriously,then go for the course if the man is meant for you he will definitely wait for you.I dont think its wise for a woman in this time and age to solely depend on a man no matter how comfortable the man is.when you are educated and maybe earn your own money you gain extra respect and admiration from your man.Education is very important and cannot be traded for anything.What if eventually you dont pursue ur education and he dumps you,you will have two things to lose but if you go for your education and lose will still get married to a very wonderful person who will respect you for the strides you have achieved in life.So pls dear,pursue your dreams and education.They are the most important things you should strive to achieve now not marriage or man.This is my humble advice.
September 24, 2012 at 4:01 pmHi Bunmi,
This is indeed between the devil and the deep blue sea. The truth is, Nnamdi may be able to provide for you now but what will happen in the near future is something we cannot predict.
I believe so much in women empowerment that I would advice you to take the scholarship because it something you have longed for.
Love insists that Nnamdi should be able to allow you follow your dreams as they come true even if he doesnt make them happen for you.
It’s four years and not forty years……If he feels strongly about you, you guys should at least get married now (if he’s afraid of losing you) and then you can go for your studies.
Who says you can’t run a family and be in school (even if it is across different continents)?
But of course, it’s your choice but always remember that ‘there is no art to find the mind’s construction in the face’ and that YOU only know whom YOU love.
September 24, 2012 at 4:08 pmHello Bunmi, Firstly I want to say a big Congratulations on your scholarship. To d matter on hand,my dear u must understand that love is trust,love is sacrifice,love is selfless. If Nnamdi truly loves u,then he will have no issues letting you accept this offer cos like u said its a ddream come true for u. Remember ure just 25.would u want to forfeit this dream becos of Nnamdi and in d next 5 years,look back regretfully on opportunities lost?I would advice dat if he truly wants to marry you,he can do it before u dosent av to be something big,it can be something small and cute.(A small tradditional marriage wit a court wedding). Both of u can sit down and work out a good plan on visitations and the rest.Thank God he is comfortable. If he dosent agree to this,then u av to move on with ur life.follow ur heart and pursue ur dreams. His refusal to this,shows a bit of insecurity on his part and you seriously do not need this. Don’t let anyone tell u that without Nnamdi u can’t move on or live a normal life. Ur partner/fiance is meant to help u achieve urr goals,pull out ur potentials,support u while u fly and not stop it or suppress it. You may end up with bitterness if u forfeit ur scholarship. Most importantly,shut out d voices around u and ask urself,what does God want mi to do?when u av dat answer and do it,then ure on d right path.God bless u.
September 24, 2012 at 4:17 pmJust few words for you Bunmi. If i’m̶̲̅ not mistaken, it’s your degree. Does this mean u don’t av a degree yet? If Yes, Nnamdi should understand and should be happy for u. If he’s comfortable, distance shouldn’t be an excuse. If he really Loves u, he’l make u happy no matter what. STEVE JOBS says and i quote “DON’T BE TRAPPED BY DOGMA-which is living with the result of other people’s thinking.” Let him understand what u want, if he loves u, he’l support and wait for u. A movie “The five year engagement” is an example of ur story. Watch it.
September 24, 2012 at 4:42 pmI advise you take your scholarship and go study, men will always be there, it might not seem so now but your future is most Important. If he truly loves you he will wait. Please listen to your dad.
September 24, 2012 at 4:49 pmI will advice you to pursue your scholarship because if you don’t there will come a time in that marriage when you will truly regret not going for it and guess what consciously or subconsciously you will blame him.Education is paramount in your life now, it is the key to life’s door! remember he has not married you yet. But at the same time you will try your possible best to be bridging the gap while abroad by correspondence and calls, you can do a lot of communication via electronic media.Thanks to internet! Again always come back to see him whenever you have the slightest chance, don’t look at the cost– it is the only affordable sacrifice here. Believe me with God by your side all things are possible, he will wait for you if he is a good man and marry you afterwards.
September 24, 2012 at 4:50 pmdear bunmi. Love cover’s all tins. To succeed in life u must pay some sacrifice. N if u meet d 1 u luv n life n u c dat is a perfect match. If u lose him, it is possible dat in d next 10year u might nt c such person again. Since dis guy hav morethan enough den wat else do u need. Pls tink vry well. Tnx
olora funlola
September 24, 2012 at 4:55 pmHmm dis is really tough o but in my opinion, a dream not pursued or achieved can bring regrets n resentment. It is a wise decision dat u want 2 get an education pls don’t put it aside for someone who is insecured cos u Wld b away 4 awhile moreover what is dis love we all profess? The Bible clearly states its meaning in corinthians love is patient trust not boastful not conceited it takes no delight in others fault but rejoices in d trust n very importantly to love is to have faith in d person respect eachothers veiws n not self seeking it shld be abt be abt personal gains but wanting d best 4 eachother so my dear bunmi do wat is best 4 u
September 24, 2012 at 5:03 pmI think you should weigh the two and choose the most important one. Scholarship is a rare thing but marriage is a life time but you are not sure of your future wit go for your scholarship and so that you will be sure of your future.goodluck wit making your choice.
September 24, 2012 at 5:07 pmPls my dear, dis is a very sensitive situation. U must decide which is most important to u. And what ur consolation will be if u make a choice. If u decide to choose to marry dis guy, den besure dat u won’t look bk and regret dis opportunity, and be sure u already have a gud job here. Cos who knws, 2moro the man may change, atleast when u look at ur kids u will have a consolation, and u may nt feel bad afterall. Besides, opportunities may come again. On the other hand, if u choose ur scholarship, it will give u the fullfillment u have always wanted, bt when u are done and come bk to realize he isn’t dere, it will hurt. Yes we meet nice pple everyday, bt u can never find the same person twice. And as they say, its lonely at the top. Just make the right decision. Life is tough! We must make such tough decisions.
Dairo kemmy.
September 24, 2012 at 6:00 pmDear Bummi, dis is ur life & future, I would advice u 2 go 4ur scholarship,fineee d guy luvs & cares 4 u 2day but u dnt knw wat 2moro will become also men re not reliable & u can’t depend on him 4ever. See ehn if he truly luvs u as u said,he will luv everytin dat will make u happy. U said ur Dad was d only 1 dat agreed wit u abt d scholarship, he agreed bcos he’s a man & he knows wat his fellow men can do,so pls go 4 ur career,if he truly luv u once again, he will wait 4 u & u can as well go 2 registry.
Nwakanma valentine Eberechi
September 24, 2012 at 7:01 pmDear Bunmi,
Here we are talking about an already built relationship…here ur family and the guys family have known themselves, to the extent that they have something in common, they no longer see themselves as people that just knew themselves. They see themselves as family. U have now been taken in as a complete family member. My dear, this guy loves you a lot and u also love him to a fault, that u think he is ur right man. You are matured here and u know that what this guy has for you is real…his love is real and ur love for him is real. My dear think about the moments the both of u share in common…a moment that would not escape the breath of ur memory. See bunmi, I would advice you forfiet that scholarship and build up ur beautiful that have this kind of love. Ur home now! Ur guy is up to the task of making u comfortable…he is finiacially okay! If u love this guy u can sacrifice this and obey the guy u know that loves u. Ur mom who is not supporting the scholarship because she knows what is best for u…don’t go into conflit with her, she loves u and knows what is best for her daughter. Please hear my advice build ur home now and I tell u you wouldn’t regret this decision. Pray to God that another scholarship that is better than this should come ur way…that is when u have settleded down. We love u! And we want the best for someone like U.
chioma chukwuelobe
September 24, 2012 at 7:14 pmBunmi,this is dilemma. So my advice to you is to try and talk to persuade him to allow you go for the scholarship programme. We as women know how to talk to our men. Asides that also convincing your mum to support you and if she does, ask her to talk to nnamdis mum so she can convince her son that this is the best move and that with love, care and understanding it wont affect ur relationship. But in a case he bluntly refuses you going, jilting your affair shouldnt be an option because as you said he is a good person and good people are scarce. D way you mentioned him that means deep within you you know he can take care of you and with your current education status am sure you should be able to take care of yourself. U wont lose either ways. But whatever decision you make if you feel hes the one, make a decision that wont end your relationship.
linda y.
September 24, 2012 at 7:17 pmHi bunmi, what if u forfeit d scholarship and u both neva ended up together? I think if u really love urself as much as u sed, u shld get married n go 4ur scholarship, dt doesn’t mean u won’t get to see him or he won’t see u, if he really loves and doesn’t want to lose u he won’t be self centred, he wud want to see u happy, and. Since he knws d scholarship is what u want, he wud allow u go 4 it and get married to u. That way he knws u r bonded 4 eva. Love isn’t selfish.
ekoja solomon
September 24, 2012 at 7:39 pmDear Bunmi, i have read through your story and here is the simple advice i have for,wealth,love are examples of elements every human being wishes to achieve..i advice you to stay with your man and forget about that scholarship because love is the greatest gift on earth .LOVE can produce education and wealth but wealth and education can never and will never produce LOVE.please,adhere to my advice
September 24, 2012 at 8:23 pmWell its my first time commenting here…buh I must say that this issue is sensitive. Good Marriage isbeautiful as much as education is important.. Approach with caution. Well my advice to u is: talk with ur dad n have him talk with nnamdi I’m sure he would listen if he’s a wise man..upon dat basis u guys can now make plans on how to survive the entire period. Ur mum might not b the best person to give u advice becos she may b biased by d fact that nnamdis mom is her friend..remember u need to b happy before u can make him happy..a happy wife makes a happy home…u need to also b prepared to make sacrifices..cos its gonna b a long road! Good luck gurl
September 24, 2012 at 8:25 pmMy dear sister I don’t have much to tell you but knw it dat dis kind of opportunity will not come again if the guy can’t wait for you let him go because there one million and one men out there who are far more better than Nnamdi remember change is the only constant thing in life wat if Nnamdi can change tomorrow. You are just 25yrs my sister pick up ur degree and let life go on because Ɣ☺Ʊ are still young. If Nnamdi says he can’t wait F̶̲̥̅̊ø̲̣̣̥я̩̥̊ you I will wait F̶̲̥̅̊ø̲̣̣̥я̩̥̊ Ɣ☺Ʊ lol
September 24, 2012 at 8:50 pmA bird at hand is worth a million outside, if its not broken don’t fix it, you want this scholarship because you want more knowlege in your field to enable you get a good career and hence make good money for family and live happily, but if you are sure this boy loves you and you are happy with him, why do you want to throw it away to start searching for this same happiness again
September 24, 2012 at 8:56 pmthere is a saying that goes this way ‘strike the iron when it is hot’.my humble advice to you is to further your education by grabing that scholarship.if nnamdi realy loves you ,distance and years of study wouldn’t count.jacob in the bible spent 14 years to get his choice wife .if compared to your situation, 5 years is a short period of time and he ought exercise patience coz that scholarship may be the perfect upliftment in your future family
September 24, 2012 at 9:25 pmBunmi based on ur write up,U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt want to lose dis guy nor d advise is that U̶̲̥̅̊ shud tel ur fiance to formalise ur marriage den U̶̲̥̅̊ get admission here in d country.U̶̲̥̅̊ said he’s rich,dat means he can sponsor ur education either here or abroad,finance is not a dear,no mata d certificate U̶̲̥̅̊ have,it can’t buy U̶̲̥̅̊ husband n a bird at hand worth more dan millions in d bush.U̶̲̥̅̊ ve known dis guy for two year n knows wot he’s capable of doing.have ur education in a place Where U̶̲̥̅̊ can see him meaning U̶̲̥̅̊ kill two birds with one stone n be happy.a lot of rich sisters A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ out there praying for bro,regretting ova there past action.girl,wise up n be hapi.gudluck
September 24, 2012 at 9:27 pmBunmi based on ur write up,U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt want to lose dis guy nor d advise is that U̶̲̥̅̊ shud tel ur fiance to formalise ur marriage den U̶̲̥̅̊ get admission here in d country.U̶̲̥̅̊ said he’s rich,dat means he can sponsor ur education either here or abroad,finance is not a dear,no mata d certificate U̶̲̥̅̊ have,it can’t buy U̶̲̥̅̊ husband n a bird at hand worth more dan millions in d bush.U̶̲̥̅̊ ve known dis guy for two year n knows wot he’s capable of doing.have ur education in a place Where U̶̲̥̅̊ can see him meaning U̶̲̥̅̊ kill two birds with one stone n be happy.a lot of rich sisters A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ out there praying for bro,regretting ova there past action.girl,wise up n be hapi.make sure U̶̲̥̅̊ pray n ask God for divine direction n decision.gudluck
September 24, 2012 at 9:28 pmMy dear sister, my question/advise goes thus, U claimed this guy loved u so much since u met him & has been very supportive to “ur needs/ dreams needs”
If he truely he love u as claimed, Y has he not marry u by now or dose he want to date u for ever?
A genue relationship is that one that help each othe fulfil dreams, vision and purpose in respective of whatever challenges been it distance or what may, will stand my ur side.
My sisterly,friendly and spiritual advice for u is to pursue your education which will not only make u as a woman of substance but an international achiever which will stand u out to be useful, valuable , unique, happy, successful for urself, family, society and nation wordwide.And a woman whom every genue successful man will want as mother of his children, wife, sister and mother .
Once again, countinue to ur scholarshipe programme abroad. If he truelly love u, this is the time he need to show it my marrying u, encourage u to proceed ur trainning.
May God Almighty give u divine direction that will not lead u to regrets in Jesusu name.
September 24, 2012 at 9:35 pmBabe I’m not going 2 ask u 2 follow ur heart cos dats d answer pple give u when they dnt want 2 be d one responsible 4 u making a wrong decision *lol. In my own opininion I think u shld sit down with ur fiance & let him knw dat u luv him but dis is really wat u really want 2 achieve 4 urself,let him knw u won’t be gone 4 d stretch of d 4yrs+ dat u’ll be back home 4 every break(he could also come & see u as well) because trust me if u miss out on dis scholarship u will always hv dis silent resentment 4 him cos he didn’t allow achieve ur dream. Try as much as possible 2 reassure him dat he will always be d one 4 u (and whatever u do keep 2 ur promises biko) and let him knw u will always be keeping in touch tnx 2 technology. It would be unfair 2 advise u 2 leave either of d 2 options cos they r both important and if he truly luvs u I believe he’ll understand. Dats my own 2 cents(if 2 cents is d right amt lol). I do hope u r able 2 sort dis out,its a tough 1 I tell u dear.
September 24, 2012 at 9:43 pmmy dear dont loose d two side at d same time oppurtunity dey say comes ones if he loves u then u guys can tie d knot,and u can futher ur education here,if not plz go 4 d scholarship
September 24, 2012 at 11:31 pmMy Dear Bunmi,
First any man who does not support your dreams and vision in life is not worth being in your life. Secondly opportunities like this are not easy to come by. Look at the prospect and the big picture. Sit your man down and talk to him let him see reasons with you especially since this is ur passion. You already said he is doing well that means he”ll have access to visiting you even while abroad. You may tie the knot at the registry before proceeding if not my dear no man is worth dropping your career for oo. He will turn around someday to hunt you when you are useless to him and no contribution from u towards the upkeep of the house. make hay while the sun shines. Best of luck
Sandra Omoregbee
September 24, 2012 at 11:46 pmDear Bumi, my advice is this; if you are very sure about Nnamdi then you should forget about the scholarship and start thinking of getting settled. Every girls prayer is to settle with a successful man that will take care of her and her kids and now that you have one , are you willing to take chances? And you know what that means. You are 25yrs old n to me I think that’s a perfect age for a girl to settle down. And you should know that when a girl starts craving for educational career, she goes on and on and before she knows it she’s not thinking of marriage anymore or if even she is, she starts having difficulty in getting suitors and I must advice that our African men are not crazy about women who has several degrees and is so busy with work and have less time for their family. From the little education u have acquired you can get a job that pays well and stick to your man so you 2 can start up a family and have bonny children. I believe God will create another opportunity 4 u if u have faith and dat time will be more convinient for both of you. Jst have faith. If u loose dis opportunity of being with ur one true love becos of sm career thing I bet u won’t forgive urself. Be wise in making ur decisions!
Nwakanma valentine Eberechi
September 24, 2012 at 11:57 pmDEAR BUNMI,
We are talking about a relationshiop that has alread been built. Not only between you and Your Guy but also between THe Guys parents and UR parentS. It is a relationship where LOVE iS the Main content. Ur Parents and theirs have been bond solemly because of the love of their children, that is U And UR GUY. U have been taken as part of a full member in the family of the guy. We are also talking about the LOVE u two share in common. A true Love, a love that is for real. My dear u are matured now and know that what this guy have for You is real. U even have even concluded that he is the right man for U. My dear think about the beautiful and wonderful love moments the both of You shared, A moment that would not escape the breath of ur memory…u love this guy to a fault and he also loves you. That’s why he is trying to protect it. My dear also time factor should be considered.. Age and time waits for no one! Talking about ur mom who is not in support of ur scholarship…my dear she knows what is best for U because she is a woman. Don’t go into conflict with her. She loves You.
BUNMI,I would advice U to shun the scholarship and settle down Now.Obey this guy You love and cherish. Sacrifice this for ur relationship….Ur guy is finalcially okay…he is up to the task of traning U in a higher level…he is okay to make U comfortable. My dear build Ur home now..Now is the time….also put the scholarship programme into the hands of God telling him that if he wants u to go for it another opporturnity should come, that when u have settled with ur Guy…BUNMI we love U and wants U to make the right decision….! Bear in mind that guy loves U and U love U and He is the man ur heart has confirmed. Don’t say ur life is paused…rather ur love is just Teated!
September 25, 2012 at 5:09 amYou need to play king solomon here by being very wise. Your scholarship will not wait for you but your man can if truely he loves you. Every man will want the best for the woman he truely loves. You’re already engaged. Why not get married before going to study? That way you’ll have both to yourself. Afterall, he’s financially buoyant and old enough to get married. Do not risk leaving this scholarship because you’re engaged to a man. If he leaves you tomorrow, how will you fend for yourself? Depending totally on a man has never been the best. May God help u Choose wisely, Bunmi.
September 25, 2012 at 5:13 amunmi dis life is a risk,talk to him convince him as a lady let him no you are for him. ,my dear true love is hard to get.I believe u ve to sort out things with him,search ur hrt verywell he has been dr for u b4 now u ve to pray and ask God to direct u on wht to do becos with prayer u will get answer to everyproblem
September 25, 2012 at 6:38 amThink you should go ahead and take your scholarship offer. If he truly loves you he will trust you enuough to come back to him after you round up your programme.w
I jay
September 25, 2012 at 8:02 amBunmi going for your dream course is very important as well as your relationship with your fiancé. In life, we must make sacrifices, if you feel you love this guy much I will advice you to listen to him and find an alternative to do that course in Nigeria or find the online distant education where by you can travel to write your exams while you study online in Nigeria . Since he is buoyant, am sure he can afford that. In that case you will have your man while you still pursue your dream, people can say your career is more important but I believe in staying with the right man, if you go ahead and lose your relationship. You might probably find it hard to get another person like him and at that point you start regretting. It is possible you meet someone better in future if you go ahead with your plan but a bird in hand is worth ten in the bush.
Kanyinsola Adaeze
September 25, 2012 at 8:32 amHI Bunmi, first of all i wish to congratulate you on your engagement and ur scholarship. You are indeed lucky to have such at a tender age.
Now to the matter at hand, you should always seek God’s face in anytin u wish to do especially in situations like dis wher u dont kno which part to tread. I understand ow ur fiance feels cuz we’ve heard and seen situations where long distance relationship/marriage crumbled due to so many issues. At d same time, we’ve seen situations wherby it worked. Nw wat worked for one may not work for another. Education is a gud tin esp in dis modern day & time bt der r som certain tinz education cant fufil. Getting married to a good man is every woman’s dream as it signifies fulfilment dat the highest educational qualification can neva attain. its true love is patient and it requires sacrifice bt it shud also not be taken for granted. My candid advice is first invite God to show u which part to take and den search within ursef abt wat exactly u want nw. the education or the marriage? also note dat on d educational aspect, u can get quality education right here in Nigeria, mayb u shud consider dat one also. Bt u shud also put in mind dat if u were in ur fiance’s shoes, which do u av prefered he picks? am nt askin u to pick him over ur education bt dat u shud consider al d advantages as against d disadvantages befor takin any decision. Am sure, God almighty wil help u make ur decisions right. I wish u d best of luck
September 25, 2012 at 8:49 amBunmi, according to you I quote “My fiancé is very comfortable and since we started dating two years now, he practically meets all my needs and supports all my dreams and helps fund my aspirations”. You are comfortable, engaged etc with this man. Which degree is it you can’t get in Nigeria? Lasting marriage is what everybody prays for and with the look of things your marriage will last. Forget about the scholarship if the man insist you shoudn’t and he will multiply the love he has for you. He is 35yrs, he is very much ready for marriage as it stands. You are 25yrs in the next 4yrs you will be 29 remember, time waits for nobody. You have meet your dream husband he can give you the best of the education you want if you obey him, it maybe that he’s trying you. Just stand fit and say bye to that Scholarship of a thing ok? Love you. Watch and Pray
September 25, 2012 at 9:12 amMy dear Bunmi, If he truly loves you and trust you this scholarship should not be a problem between you too. Kindly, explain to him and convince him why you truly need this scholarship and what you stand to benefit for the both of you. You cannot depend on him forever because no one knows what the future holds. You love him so much and so do your family so talk to him and make him see reasons with you and believe me everything will be alright
Amoo Ayobami
September 25, 2012 at 9:29 amas a mater of fact, ur mind is tellin u wot to do. Y dont u follow u mind? But b4 u do that consider dis… how many yrs do u want to court b4 getin married, wen do u intend to get married, & after marriage where do u want to be? Imagine wot d Bible says in Gen 2:24 that a man wil leave his family & stick 2 his wife & dey wil bcom 1. how wil that happen if u are nt stayin 2geda? do u bliv that distance relatnship or marriage does nt d best? If u realy luv d man u can stay here & stil achieve ur aim. Happy marriage is d BEST.
September 25, 2012 at 9:34 amDear Bunmi,
I will advice you better take the scholarship and finish your studies, this is an opportunity that might not come your way again. lt is a better way of preparing and securing your future.Your fiancee can wait if he is truly yours, he can equally visit you from time to time over there there since he’s doing well financially.. Pray as well and follow your heart, dont be deceived by anything or anybody, you know what you want and what is good for you. Convince you fiancee to allow you go for the course and give him reasons why it is important. Whatever will be yours will sure be yours. Good luck!
osuoha chnonso lois
September 25, 2012 at 9:58 amhi bunmi,my dr, am a lady like u,i undstand ur plight, trust me, i rili feel ur pains.but my candid advice is this, further ur education,if dat guy is urs he will definatly b dere fr u,if he is not der is nothin u cn do abt it,listen even d bible said we shloud mak frnds wit mammon of unrigheotsness so wen u hav problm u can lean on it, m dr carry on wit ur education though marriage is necessary but i tink education shld com first. hav u wonder wat wl happen if u marry him and he losses his job ?don u know dat u wl become a liability and he wl hate u fr dat, but if u have ur certificate he wil smile wit u and appreciate u d more, i tink u should further ur education cos u neva can tell wat will happen in futrue.gone r dose days lady stay in d house doing house chores alone dat was den,u rili need to b educated.tink vry well andmak d right choice,remember “had i know comes atlast”.
September 25, 2012 at 10:47 amthis is really a tough one dear bunmi…let’s look at it this way, u are more or less left wit the option of choosing btw ur education and fiancee…if u dont go now will such an oppourtunity come ur way again? if u leave ur fiancee will u meet someone like him again? are u willing to let go of ur man cos of ur education? these are some of the questions u shud ask ursef sincerely…do u love him enough to forfeit d education or the education to forfeit him…truth is no one can make d decision that will affect ur life except U not even ur parents and fiancee…and for evry decision u make dere is always an alternative to either one u didnt choose…my sincere advice is that you talk to ur creator to order ur steps to do d best for u n ur future (fiancee and education), talk to ur man n u both come to a decision that will benefit u two…most importantly in wateva decision u make may it be d best dat u’ll eva make n hope it wont cause u any regret later in life…wish u d very best.
Edayi Precious Exodus
September 25, 2012 at 11:11 amsee the ball is in ur hands.all u av to do is follow ur heart,Bcos no man nws wat d future hold 4 each & everyone of my advice for is (1) dnt bit d finger dat feed u.bcos wat goes around comes may take time its definatly going to come.(2)if he truely loves u he will tell u wat e av in mind “c true LOVE is nt by force”,dats 4 u.WHATS THERE IS SIMPLE, U BOTH REASON PROPERLY TRUE LOVE DOES NOT HOT.u must knw LOVE is like war easy to begin but hard to end & again its like a murster seed planted by God & watered by MAN.all u need is Gods directions & his interventions on every situations u find urselfs okay.D bible says a farvent prayer of a righteous man avails Much believe in prayers & ur demands will work for you okay.
cassidy peters
September 25, 2012 at 11:49 amthough it’s a hard decision 2 make bt 4 me it’s beter u settle down if dat ‘ll please ur man. 4 wat ‘ll it profit u wen u get all d deegrees n lose ur happiness as woman? Dis is a man u nw know like ur cuorse u studied in school, u know wat dose n dose nt please him n he has lived up2 ur espectation wat els do u nid, am nt saying he’s d best bt he’s defrent 4rm d rest. love’s all abt sacrifise, let go ur deegree 4 d joy ur relationship wit dis guy has brought 4 d familise n d love u’ve 4 him if u truly love him. May Gog giv u d grace 2 handle dis in JESUS NAME AMEN……
September 25, 2012 at 11:49 amHi Bunmi, its really a dicey situation that needs you to go to your Maker on your knees. As a woman and human, i would advice you to listen to your man. you would not find anyone like him, you said so yourself. i am not of the opinion that you forget totally about your education but i still think you can pursue it from anywhere you settle down with your husband. Most of all seek the face of God for direction. Bless you.
September 25, 2012 at 12:28 pmI’ll ask u to get married to ur man 1st before leaving if he’s scared u’ll live him for another man, let him move with you temporarily till ur course is finished, this may even be a getaway u both need to get close to each other after d wedding, if he’s a biz man, he can be shuttling btw wherever his biz is and ur school destination and if he works all his breaks ad holidays wl be wt u,its just a temporary thing and before u know it, d course is over, remember once opportunity lost can never be regained, and this is ur future and career we r talking about, if u marry him and n 2yrs he starts getting funny what wl u do and ur scholarship is gone, marriage is good and ur future shd be taken care off as well!
okaka margret
September 25, 2012 at 1:08 pmdear bunmi, to me,i tink men ar desperate,if she decide to go and study abroad she shld 4get abt d guy,she beta sch here in nigeria and settle with d man her happiness lies wit.since d her is serious abt her, or tell d guy to marry u b4 d scolarship expire to avoid losing two tins dat ar important to ur future.
September 25, 2012 at 1:37 pmMy dear Bummi, I prefer you get married. A 25yr old isn’t a baby.
First of all, I guess u remember you are a Nigerian and age matters when it comes to marriage(not everyone gets lucky). our men go for people they can atleast be in charge of and not some sophisticated chik that wouldn’t respect him.
I guess you must have run a course here in Naija or even if you’v not, make your man start up something for you.
But on the other hand if you can marry him and still go for studies…that’d be kul… Just PRAY
September 25, 2012 at 1:40 pmmy dear sis, pls go o don’t listen to anybody, but follow ur heart. wot if the reverse is the case will he not go.
September 25, 2012 at 1:41 pmFirst lesson in a every relationship: love yourself and your partner equally i.e 100%. Your career is your degree, if truly he loves you like you claim, he will wait. Tell him respectively, use this as a yard stick to know how much he is willing to sacrifice for you. You can’t afford to be a full house wife, waiting for your man before you could a thing. Think about it.
September 25, 2012 at 1:56 pmDear Bunmi, its always difficult to choose between career and love. Try online studies for your scholarship. That way, you can keep both your man and still pursue your academics.
It all depends on the terms of your scholarship. But if there is no room for online studies, go for your scholarship. If he loves you, he will wait. There is also lots of communication means now. Skype, Wattsapp, BB Etc. The relationship will still be alife if its meant to be.
Goody nechy
September 25, 2012 at 2:16 pmMy dear, getting a scholarship overseas at that is really a good thing however you’ve already found a man that really cares about you. A man you even testified to have all you need in man.
I belive he loves you and have your best interests at heart, he’s just a little insecure and somehow afraid of loosing you. If its really necessary that you take the scholarship, i’l advise you to have a heart to heart talk with especially when he’s in good mood. Earn his confidence and trust that no matter where you are, you’ll stil be loyal. Reassure him of your undying love for him. And most especially create a persuasive arguement in a sweet way for the necessity of the scholarship. You can even get him to read books or be talked to by people that know better..(that is if travelling abroad is of utmost important and that you are not just going there for fun thing).
if after all this he refused to oblige with a reasonable point. Then i advise you let go of the scholarship. Doing that would even endear him more to you and who knows he might be moved to make other better plans for you..better opportunities will stil come your way once there’s life..take it easy dearie
September 25, 2012 at 2:56 pmdear Bunmi first of all iwould say go on your knees and ask God for direction, also there are so many men these days who would rather have their wives sit at home and do nothing all in the name of they are providing for their wives but that dosent work these days in as much as the man will provide, the woman should still have semthing tangible she is doing to support the home. also girl child education is paramount these days and so i will say if thsi has always been your dream then go for it you never can tell where your heading becasue alot of men dont lieke it when a woman gets more inteligent or have more degrees than them but thats all in the past times have changed. however since you say you both love each other and are serious then you two can get marrried before you proceed to further eductaion, you say he is rich then it sno biggie he can always travel to see you and vise versa just sometimes its hard to take decisions but its good you do something that you know you have always dreamed of to a change to your generation and your life. keep praying until something happens (PUSH)
September 25, 2012 at 3:18 pmMy dear Bumi. All i need to tell u is that if truly he loves and cherish you. for now he may not be happy with the idea. but he will wait on you to go and come back. education is the key to success. If you are able to get this degree. you will also help him in life. My advise is that go ahead with your scholarship. If he loves you he will wait 4 you. And if Truly both of you are main to be Man and Woman. ordained by God. He must surely wait. But go ahead with your scholarship.
September 25, 2012 at 3:21 pmwell at this point in your life, its either you follow your head or your heart. quite alright no one can make the decision for you,neither your mum or your dad or even your fiance. it all relies on what you think is best for you and you alone. in my opinion your fiance has been with you for 2 years and has provided all your needs for you,but are you sure he is going to take you down the aisle? and if you do get your degree there is a high chance for you to be successful in life. well if your fiance truly loves you he will let you achieve your dreams and still be there for you when you come back.
September 25, 2012 at 3:55 pmDear Bunmi,
Congrats on having the best of both worlds. Your Man and Education. They are both important parts of your life. Should u forfeit your education and stick to your relationship? should you stick to your relationship and forfeit your scholarship? I don’t think either would be a smart move. Why not eat your cake and have it. Get admission here in Nigeria and settle down with the man of your dreams. Who says studying abroad is the criteria for a good career? In life, Happiness is what truly matters in the long run. Believe me i know this first hand.Life is better with a good partner beside you to support and encourage you.Pray for wisdom to make the right decision. All the best in your endeavors.
September 25, 2012 at 5:26 pmHello Bunmi…in all honesty, your pursuit of a career is good with this much hunger at this age but there lies a danger, because going through this puts your relationship on the break-up rail. A good man is hard to come by, you have been fortunate to have him this time, please stick to him, take your relationship to the next level and by prayer and faith better things will come your way. This will even show to him how much you want him and I believe in the good man he is, that he will make up for this to you, to make you happier.
September 25, 2012 at 5:53 pmmy dear Bunmi, pursue ur education without looking back….there are better men out there and i adivce that u do not marry him because you intend to go abroad for further studies…d best man is yet to come ur way….u said u had always wanted a scholarship, now that u have it, u want to shut down ur life becos of a man that may fail u tomorrow and then you start bitting ur fingers and start saying had i known? Yes u love him, but education first. God loves u!
September 25, 2012 at 6:14 pmYou no what;wisdom is the main thin;trust is the next thin;future matters to life you no?okay then, if bros love you and you love him as you say then both of you must see the same way. what are mine saying is that if both love each other start a home and after that see 2moro jst together by add 2 your home value which is trust no matter the distances so that you has a lady will not be a much needs on him……….but you can not get 2gether unless you see 2gether……….but if he will not pls prayed and be with your home it mostly important……thanks
September 25, 2012 at 7:00 pmDear Bunmi, first and foremost, call on God to give you the wisdom and directions on this issue for we are mere mortals, we only know about the present, we don’t know about the future. As a human, i think Distance shouldn’t really be a problem if 2 hearts = 1,with trust and communication that is if you guys really love yurslvs as yu claim, and the fact that yur Mother tinks that staying with Nnamdi and Forfeiting yur scholarship is the right choice well, this is about you, your Happiness, not yur Mother’s besydz opportunities they say, come but once. Many are out there looking for this golden opportunity but the couldn’t get it. It isn’t because yur are prettier, richer or more valuable than them that yu got it. God has a plan for yu, nd if yu rily want to pursue yur education, Go,do it.if Nnamdi really loves he should be happy for and ready to support yu besydz i personally believe in destiny…that what will be will be..if yu both are meant for each other, sumhw, sumday, yu both will be joined together.
September 25, 2012 at 10:20 pmif ur husband truely loves.dn dia ix no reason y he shu stp u 4rm going.afteral u ar nt staying there mata hw rich ur husbnd may b.remeba hard tyms do cme in marriage.he may buy house 4u,nd he sti av d acess to colect it ur education.nbdy cn take it 4rm u.ix enternity.ur husbnd shu jst av trust n u and lt u go.MAKE HAY WHY D SUNSHINE.atleast ur husbnd shu b hapi 4u.a stitch in time save nine.plx further ur studies and sti continue ur means no harm.snc u guys lov each one thing sure is TRUST
September 26, 2012 at 8:00 amWell bunmi I read ur story twice nd I saw the question at d end of ur story asking that should u travel nd get ur degree or stay nd raise a family with nnamdi… From wat I saw nd ow I interpreted it is simply dat if u leave nd get ur degree then its sure urself nd nnamdi are parting ways which means u r closing a very perfect chapter of ur life nd on the other hand if you leave ur degree and get married to nnamdi then u won’t forgive urself for taking such a decision even if u r happy with the marriage nd u mite even see urself as a liability to ur husband. So my advice for you is that u firstly pray seriously over this issue, secondly ve a discussion with him first nd then invite both families(parents) to sit nd talk ova it nd make them see reasons why u really need dat degree(by this time I’m pretty sure there will be a brighter side to the problem) cuz I know no man wants his wife to be a liability to him, and thirdly if he still insists i think you should look for a schl in nigeria cuz I know there are nice schls here(thank god he is comfortable so he can foot the bills) so u dnt ve to loose anything I.e u have ur education and ur relationship at the same time. I hope my advice helps u a lot. Nd do write back so we can know the outcome. Till then have a worry free life…. LiZzY
Kayish Kay
September 26, 2012 at 10:36 amHe loves you, he’s comfortable, he’s familiar ωiτђ Ÿ̲Ơ̴̴̴̴͡uя family, why hasn’t he married you after dating you for two years, if he was waiting for τ̩̩̥
right time, then τ̩̩̥
right time Ȋ̝̊̅§ now, tie τ̩̩̥
knot and go for Ÿ̲Ơ̴̴̴̴͡uя studies, what’s τ̩̩̥
big deal in visiting almost every vacation or him coming over as ǎ̜̣̍
legitimate husband, please dear Bunmi, go for your studies, you will be happy t̶̲̥̅̊
ţ you have ǎ̜̣̍
degree tomorrow than you will be that you hv ǎ̜̣̍
loving man t̶̲̥̅̊
ţ you ‘αя̩̥e completely dependable on, and showers you ωiτђ everything you need only when he wants τ̅☺. What if something makes him change tomorrow, what if his Ideals change and he just begins τ̅☺ fancy well schooled independent ladies, you cud commit murder knowing τ̩̩̥
only thing t̶̲̥̅̊
ţ kept you from being like those women he now fancies was him, men r unpredictable. If he Ȋ̝̊̅§ scared of loosing you τ̅☺ another man, then he should marry you, and then you sit him down τ̅☺ give him Ÿ̲Ơ̴̴̴̴͡uя word t̶̲̥̅̊
ţ no matter where you r on this planet he will remain τ̩̩̥
number one man in Ÿ̲Ơ̴̴̴̴͡uя life. You can have babies while studying. I’ve always been in ǎ̜̣̍
distant relationship, as far as am concerned it’s no big deal, τ̩̩̥
key word Ȋ̝̊̅§ stay faithful.
etim john
September 26, 2012 at 3:21 pmmost people are in our lifes to kill our dreams and aspirations. he isnt ur life n dont always think u cant fine ur perfect match if he decides to leave u 2day because of ur dreams n aspirations.Hence,if he truely loves u,let him accept ur dreams n aspiration,n help u achieve,go for ur education,ur knowledge is ur wealth.
zaynab yusuf isah
September 26, 2012 at 9:10 pmDear Bummi, try and convience him that you will be wit him no mata wat. Tell him to spare you dis opportunity 4 once. If he truly luvs you ad ȋ̝̊̅§ meant 4 you he wil definietly wait 4 you cos no mata wia a bird flies to he wil definietly go back to wia it ȋ̝̊̅§ meant for. I beliEve dat if he actualy for you he will definietly wAit and evev if he dosent gve U̶̲̥̅̊ the opportuniy ad you left witout his permission, he wil stil luv you wen you come bk so long as he ȋ̝̊̅§ the man for you and if he dosnt,then you are neva meant to be.
D2h Videocon
September 27, 2012 at 6:46 amHi Dear Bumni. Your article writing way is very appreciative. I really like your way.second thing is you should stay with your fiance and get your degree. Because this kind of scholarship are come and go but you will never this kind of man again. Rest final decision is up to you.
September 27, 2012 at 7:59 amDear Bunmi, your career is very important as well as your relationship too.if he truly loves you, he should engage or marry you so his mind will be at rest even when you are away.if he is really comfortable as u said, it wont be a big deal for him to come over to check on you and you do the same too whenever you are on holiday..all the best my dear
September 27, 2012 at 8:48 amHe says he loves u, he has shown it over time and most importantly u believe he loves you. That whay you are so worried nd find it difficult to make up your mind and find yourself in a delimma. The question is what’s the guarantee that things will always remain the way they are right now. What if he changes his attitude, his mind or his behaviour tomorrow, you wake up to the realisation that you can no longer cope and you want out of the relationship or he marries you and you begin to see parts of him you never knew existed and they aren’t exactly as pretty and you realise that it would have been better if you had something of your own doing. What if you finally come to realise that your life would have been better if you had decided to take the chance of studying to fulfill your dreams.
I think its funny that we ladies can choose to forgo our dreams and desires for the interests of our loved ones, yet they often times find it difficult to do the same for us. What stops his love from giving you the opportunity to study and waiting. SOme say out of sight out of mind and others out of sight makes the heart grow fonder. For your case depending on what you decide, time will tell.
From my personal experiences, I can say you may come to regret not taking this opportunity to develop yourself. People no matter how good can change or dissappoint you when you least expect it. People over time have shown that they can change only God cannot change. They can stab you in the back when you least expect it.
Talk to him, get him to see reasons why you really need to take advantage of this opportunity. It will be for the best eventually. Make him understand that if its you you’ll support him in the pursuit of his dreams even if you are worried about how it will affect your relationship. Persuade him if it is important to you.
I think that the primary question. How important is this scholarship and educational experience to you? Do you think it will be in your best interests, because it is you who will have to live with the effects of your decsion. So at the end of the day. Pray, listen to what your spirit says and seek God’s face. This way you can be rest assured that your decision is the best for you
Nchedo Linda
September 27, 2012 at 10:13 ammy dear Bunmi, i advise you obey your mum and settle down here in Nigeria with Nnamdi, my dear distance will not be an obstale to your marriage, you can continue your education you have married, time wait for no body, we women are like flower. your mother has more experience than you do, so go with her advice ok. wish you the best.
amala E
September 27, 2012 at 10:41 amDear bummi, every bdy hv said it all bt jst wnt 2 say u suld talk 2 God in prayers. Nd if truly nnamdi is ur man he should allow u 2 go, becos ur future counts nd most importantly he loves u or is dis 2 much 2 ask? I believe NO.
September 27, 2012 at 11:05 amDear Bunmi,
I will advise you to go for your studies cos if ur fiancee truly loves he should be happy for you and also want your success. If the relationship is base on trust no matter where or ow far you have gone he should b dere 4u. Ur degree is ur future so pls don’t let no man make u a liability. Like a saying. ” If you av a bird let it go if it comes back to you that means its urs and if it doesn’t come back means it was never meant to be urs” so go and empower urslf tru education ur own man will surely want ur progress.
Regards. i
September 27, 2012 at 12:26 pmMy dear Bumni dis really a tough one, but my advice is,,Go for the scholarship,if u guys are destined to be together distance can’t stop it…if he really Love u he should support u coz Love is all about support,,encouragement and trust…if he’s really ur man he will get married to u now or wait for u 2 return…but if his not ur man Believe me God will give u someone much better than him….still seek God to order ur step,,,,all the best.
September 27, 2012 at 11:14 pmDear bunmi,м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ advice 2 u̶̲̥̅̊ is veri short n straight 4ward,dnt do sumtin dat u̶̲̥̅̊ knw Ȋ̝̊̅t̶̲̥̅̊ will hurt u̶̲̥̅̊,y̶̲̥̅̊ go 4 a prog ọ̥ⓕ 4 yrs outside U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ country,wen u̶̲̥̅̊ knw u̶̲̥̅̊ wnt av or get ƌ̲̣̣ chance ọ̥ⓕ u̶̲̥̅̊ said u̶̲̥̅̊ dnt want 2 loose him.u̶̲̥̅̊ urself said Ȋ̝̊̅t̶̲̥̅̊ ,if u̶̲̥̅̊ go ure gonna loose him 2 another м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ ? Is,if its him dat want 2 travel 4 4yrs,wat will u̶̲̥̅̊ м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇є̲̣̣̣̥ gurl,u̶̲̥̅̊ dnt need dat.if u̶̲̥̅̊ wish 2 continue schooling tell him,am sure if its in dis country he wil allow u̶̲̥̅̊ 2 do dat,bt outside trust м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇є̲̣̣̣̥,nobody will allow his wife 2 leave 4 so long.
dela ahiakpa ira
September 28, 2012 at 10:20 ami agreed with fortune’s comment
September 28, 2012 at 12:27 pmgo girl education is the best thing that will happen to u,follow ur dream but first talk to the creator he says the heart of the king is in his hands he turns it to where it pls my dear take it to him.
September 28, 2012 at 4:04 pmThe only advice I can give you is to seek God’s face in this situation. He is the only one that can lead you in the right path, He is the only one that can give you direction when you are confused. He alone knows tomorrow and what your future holds. Pray about it, seek Him and tell Him what you want and He will reveal to you if that’s the best decision to make. Truly it’s only God that can help you. Seek God so you won’t make a mistake that will be detrimental to your future (whether its pursuing ur education or pleasing your fiancé).
faith Anie
September 28, 2012 at 4:29 pmMy dear Bunmi, you are a woman hope you have your first degree, then please dear listen to him since he has been taking care of your bills and at the same time you have your first degree you can use that and continue with your life Thank God you said your self that you can never meet a man like him again. Yes is good to educated but in this case please listen to him.
faith Anie
September 28, 2012 at 4:32 pmBut then pray heard not to make mistake. Let him understand why you have to go.
September 28, 2012 at 5:22 pmYou have got to weigh your options,wat kind of influence has ur fiance got on u,is it good enough to forfeit ur scholarship?so get a list and put them down….,,Now for the scholarship,can u find out from the school if they have an opportunity for online programmes?like staying back home and studying as well….four years is long enough to cause a lot of changes,hugely negative(d response from him wasn’t approving,remember?find a way to talk to him,make see him reasons,I’m sure u two can work something out…if not,God isn’t asleep,u have trust him for the best answers and results even if it seems illogical…:his ways are the most reasonable
Kristina B
September 28, 2012 at 6:15 pmDear Bunmi,
Please don’t let this apportunity pass you by, take the scholarship and live your educational dream. Gone are the days women are mostly stay-home mums, now we hv women as heads of Fortune 500 companies and I know from reading ur post u have big dreams and aspirations. Please don’t let them go to waste simply because ur fiance(not even ur husband yet) has ask u not to. I just hope u don’t later regret ur actions not to go abroad for ur studies and then hate Nnamdi for the rest of ur life. I strongly believe Nnamdi has some iota of fear and insecurity in him. He’s 35yrs old and time is no longer on his side, he must hv done the math and notice that he’ll be clocking 40 by the time u’re done with your studies and probably doesn’t want to wait that long. And then there’s also this issue of most Nigerian men being intimidated by the educational qualifications and exposure of their spouses. Just like others hv rightly stated here, if God forbid ur marriage doesn’t work out guess what? You’ll be the one at the loosing end. Bunmi, imagine if reverse were the case, u really think he’ll pass that great offer? I honestly doubt it! A real man supports the dreams of his woman simply because at the end both will be the beneficiary of the outcome of that dream!
Miriam Nnolim
September 28, 2012 at 8:25 pmBunmi ask d Holy Spirit to direct u. He wil speak to u. Forget abt what evrybody is saying or what u are feeling. What do u want at dis phase of ur life? go for it and evry other thing wil fall in line. Let tmr worry abt itself. If he’s urs God wil keep him for u.
Akanji Emmanuel
September 29, 2012 at 6:06 amwhat shall it profect u if u loss ur husband and ur education, cos there is something u must know that no matter the love, feeling and all other things u both have for each other if GOD says that is not ur man, he is not. if he really love u to the fullnest he should be the happest man on earth cos no man or woman want to marry someone who can no represent in any where so cis i would advice you to go for ur education and if he loves u let him support u and give u al the encouragment u need. GOD help u, gud luck
October 1, 2012 at 11:33 pmI want you to be sure of this man by asking him to go ahead with the marriage.If he marries you now,you can get to any height you want because we have good schools in nigeria.You might not meet someone you love this much later.If he is not ready to marry now,then go for your scholarship because the relationship might not work out later and you will lose at both ends.
Ademoyo's Entertainment
October 3, 2012 at 10:23 amsweetheart, pursue your dreams…If he is the right guy for you , he will support you.
You trust him..why not get married and you both relocate for your course.
i think the issue here is u’ve got the money …u guys are comfortable,,,u can hook up with the deal later in life…trust me ,the less privilege will go study and be somebody and her guy will be VERY supportive…
opportunity comes but once.
October 3, 2012 at 11:09 amBunmi,
Career is very Important in ones life and it has a lot of role to play, with education you can easily unlock any door if you want.
Marriage…. you’d like to marry your best friend, one who will take you around the world in 80 days……
Since his not the kind of man that support distance relationship/marriage. Let go of him. His not the best, believe me,the best is yet to come. Schooling abroad will automatically change you and then you’ll get to be a blessing to your offspring by given them good value. Think wisely and choose wisely…..always pray about issues and you get to know the mind of God concerning all issues. God bless you.
October 3, 2012 at 3:06 pmIf Nnmadi really loves you he should allow you go ahead and fulfil your dream. We are in an IT world now where you two can be communication through different means (The only thing that you may not be getting regularlly is sex if you’re both already involved sexually). Assure him of your love for him. Let him know you’re passionate about him and your career. Never say never (Nnamdi is the kind of man I may never meet again). “We meet to part & we part to meet”. Go ahead & fulfill your dream (This scholarship is something I’ve always wanted), if he really loves you he will wait, cos the years you will be together after your school will be longer than the years you’ll be spending in school, so you still have many years ahead of you to stay together. If you dont go now the 5yrs will come & go. GO GIRL!!!
October 3, 2012 at 3:19 pmIf Nnmadi really loves you he should allow you go ahead and fulfil your dream. We are in an IT world now where you two can be communicating through different means (The only thing that you may not be getting regularlly is sex if you’re both already involved sexually – which should no be since u’re not married). Assure him of your love for him. Let him know you’re passionate about him and your career. Never say never (Nnamdi is the kind of man I may never meet again). “We meet to part & we part to meet”. Go ahead & fulfill your dream (This scholarship is something I’ve always wanted), if he really loves you he will wait, cos the years you will be together after your school will be longer than the years you’ll be spending in school, so you still have many years ahead of you to stay together. If you dont go now the 5yrs will come & go. GO GIRL!!!
October 4, 2012 at 3:51 pmBunmi,
a man that loves you will always have your best interests at heart. if you know that undertaking that course would boost you in life,then by all means make him understand that by talking to him. don’t jump into anything until u have had a meaningful and deep converstaion with him regarding this should make him see reasons with you,make him understand that this is something you are passionate about.if he cares,he will listen and you too will come up with alternative ways of keeping ur relationship moving strong.he is probably hesistating because of the number of years u ll invest in your education,but make him see that what u get to gain will be worth the sacrifice of time.u can always come down to Nigeria to see him during the holidays or if he has the means he can travel to see you as well.u two can get married in the process,and still work it out.i hope this helps.
October 5, 2012 at 8:24 amDear Bunmi, Both are important but can two work together except they agree?Therefore I will advice dat u both sit one on one n reach an agreement cos apart from God n love another thing that must have kept u guys this long is understanding and most importantly pray about it in order to find out God’s opinion.God’s abundant grace.
October 10, 2012 at 7:53 pmMy dear Bunmi if he really loves u, he will allow u to go afterall is for both of u. Talk to him, plead wit him and try to do court marriage before u make any move ok. In all pray to God before discussing the issue again with him. His heart is in the hand of God, he will melt it ok. God bless u.
October 11, 2012 at 8:22 amI smile ‘cos I had the same issue too. I will cut the long story short by saying we both talked about it deeply and I am presently doing my Masters Programme in the best private University in Nigeria. We are getting married this December and after the wedding, we will go for professional programmes together abroad (good thing we are in this same field). In all, make the best decisions that will make you two happy…follow your heart, dear. If you do love him and you are certain he loves you, there will always be a way out. You can do your programme and still have the man of your dreams, girlfriend. All the best.
Alao Emmanuella
October 22, 2012 at 3:08 pmbumi, if he really loves you, he will wait for you or better still manage a distance relationship untill you round up and come back to settle for good. your degree is very important to enable you support him as his help mate. cheers
May 10, 2013 at 2:37 pmit alway happen in dis manner,rember dat marrage is a school (course wich no one pray to have as carry-over)my sister life continue you dnt knw wat god is plaining 4u in feature u only knw today wat abt 2moro,god hve a porpose of gven u dat scholarsh.if realy he love he should let u go,every want d best 4 his lova.if he insist lêt him go.god hve porpose of doing thing 2day is bright but 2moro wil b brighter.thanks