Steph's Lounge

INCREDIBLE! Four Month-Old Baby Rescued from Nepal Earthquake Rubble

Who said miracles don’t happen? That definitely is a big lie.

I saw these images today of a baby boy being pulled alive from the wreckage of the Nepal earthquake and it totally warmed my heart. In the midst of so much despair and disaster which has claimed at least 5,000 lives, this is something to rejoice about.

The four-month-old boy was pulled out alive, despite spending more than 22 hours trapped beneath the rubble.

According to news sources, the Military search teams had already scoured the area and moved on. But they returned after hearing a faint cry and began the process of carefully freeing the infant.

The boy was named locally as Sonit Awal and reported to be in stable condition.

Great news!

rescued baby

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  • Reply
    Henrietta Henry
    April 30, 2015 at 11:45 am

    That was God wounderful word

  • Reply
    Racheal Laye Edward
    April 30, 2015 at 8:22 pm

    God is Great!
    This is good news.

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