What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? We ask five women:
“My uncle told me: ‘You wouldn’t need destiny helpers or favours if you are disciplined with growing your talent.’ I didn’t understand it then but I understand it now. You can’t keep running around looking for someone to make your dreams come true. If you stick to your skills and continuously show up for yourself, you will make your dreams a reality without losing an ounce of your dignity. I appreciate that advice.” – Jacqueline

“My boss told me once: ‘It doesn’t matter how much you explain how you want your life to be, if you are explaining to someone who doesn’t have the mental prowess to understand or imagine greatness, you will waste your time and still leave the conversation as if you lost virtue. Don’t be afraid to leave people behind.”’ – Rasheedat
“My mum used to say: ‘You get to meet people for a reason, as much as possible try to be kind. The memories of kindness will heal you through your entire life and the lives of your children. Kindness is key.”’ – Oby

“I never forget how hard I worked to where I am, so I don’t live a reckless life because I would hate to lose it all because of recklessness or lack of principles. It was a constant reminder by my father to be smart with life, and not be my own enemy.” – Divine
“I read this somewhere: ‘Manage your expectations of others. People will always fall short but if you are not relying on them to decide your value, you wouldn’t be broken when they disappoint. So manage your expectations and be the person you wish others could be – for yourself.” – Nneka
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