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Life Is Full Of Surprises | Photos From My Surprise Birthday Party

Planning is useful, but the most interesting times in life come from moments that catch you by surprise. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists ad turns.

I’ve come to understand and accept that life is full of surprises; some good, some not so good. You never know what could happen the next day or who you are going to meet that will change your life forever. But one thing remains sure: staying positive and handing over your affairs to God will make a world of difference.

It is amazing where God will take you when you are willing to follow. So I encourage you today to embrace surprises.

And talking about surprises, my favorite person in the world planned one for me recently to celebrate my birthday and I’m still basking in the euphoria of that memorable occasion! Big thank you to my hubby for such a beautiful and thoughtful surprise party that I didn’t even know I needed, and to my amazing family and friends who showered me with so much love on my special day.

Check out some pictures from my recent surprise birthday party:

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