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Happy International Women’s Day…

International-women-s-dayToday is International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day originated more than 100 years ago as a strategy to promote equal rights, including rights to vote, to hold public office, and to protest against employment sex…The theme is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”.Women, mothers, sisters, aunties, nieces, daughters, spreaders of joy, of beauty, I celebrate you. Women, too often silent victims plagued by disease, hunger, rapes, vesico vaginal fistula (VVF) and female genital mutilation (FGM), I celebrate you. I celebrate the women who wake up every morning with that bold determination to live and succeed. May you all flourish. Happy International Women’s Day 🙂



PS- Culled from ‘allwomenstalk’ Here are 7 things for women to do to celebrate today, see below

7 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day …

Ways to celebrate International Women’s Day I’m going to mention here are fun, exciting and something you absolutely must try before you decide to make celebrating Women’s day one of those things you “don’t have time for”. It’s our day, ladies, let’s make it count! Find your perfect way to celebrate International Women’s Day below and start enjoying this great holiday: 

1. Family Get-Together – 

Blessed with a family full of amazing women yet in a bit of a time crunch? Why not organize a get-together and spend a fantastic ladies’ day with all of your favorite female family members? It’s one of those great ways to celebrate International Women’s Day and have a sort of a mini family meeting all in one! Ask the ladies to join you for dinner after a long working week, organize some kind of activity such as bowling or movies or, in invite them all to your house. 

2. Sex And The City-Style Outing – 

Celebrating Women’s day this way with my girls back home would certainly be a fun experience! I’m not going to be able to make it work but hey, you might! March 8th falls on Friday anyways and that’s a pretty good day for putting together a really great outfit and meeting up with a few of your best friends! Check out a hot new club, restaurant or bar or, in case there is no new stuff to check out, settle for a place you don’t get to visit too often or have a special place in your heart.

3. Romantic Dinner – 

Okay, well this is a totally amazing way to celebrate International Women’s Day, too! The only difference is the fact that you won’t be the one making the dinner in question! You hubby should do the honors or, in case cooking is not one of his strong sides, choose a restaurant for your dinner date. Who knows, he might be preparing you a surprise as we speak!

4. Short Holiday – 

Thinking about traveling somewhere for the weekend? Well, why don’t you choose this special date to make it happen? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, especially considering today’s economy! Oh and hey, guess what? Most travel agencies offer special deals around Women’s Day making it even easier for everyone to enjoy a short, on-budget holiday even after this date!

5. All-Female Road Trip – 

Ah well, speaking about travels – how about we take the matters into our own hands, ladies? A road trip is a perfect way to have fun and experience something new! And fear not, you can never ever be too old to enjoy this adventure!

6. Make Your Own Tradition – 

Women’s Day is not a universally popular holiday and, therefore, not as popular in some countries as it might be in others. In case you’re living in a place in which this day is just another regular day, you can choose to celebrate it by starting a tradition of your own. Prepare some nice, small gifts for those special ladies in your life, educate your male friends, coworkers and family members and be the one to aid the popularization of this great holiday in your area!

7. Quality Time Alone – 

You can have a lot of fun celebrating Women’s day even if you aren’t in the position to go out and socialize with friends or exchange romantic gestures with your loved one! It’s not Valentine’s Day, after all – it about us, women, being strong and independent. And an independent lady should be able to have a good time even on her own. Right? I’m leaving the rest to your imagination – it can be a good book, movie, spa day… whatever you like! 

What other great way to celebrate International Women’s Day can you think of and what are your plans for this date?


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  • Reply
    chioma claire
    March 8, 2013 at 6:50 am

    Women of substance,virtue and honour I salute u̶̲̥̅̊ all.successful and independent women I greet u d world recognises us №†̥ JƱ$τ̲̅ for our gender alone but for our greatness….I am proud †̥ be a woman…shout out †̥ all woman!!!

  • Reply
    Ella Murphy
    March 8, 2013 at 7:09 am

    What is a home without a woman. I celebrate you woman when God created you He took his time. I applaud you woman around the world take a bow celebrate yourselves for without you where would the world be?

  • Reply
    Mary Jay
    March 8, 2013 at 8:39 am

    Today is International Women’s Day. Happy International Women’s day to all Women all over the world .Women the creators of Life, Spreaders of joy, and of beauty. I celebreate you all.Congratulations

  • Reply
    March 8, 2013 at 9:14 am

    I love women and im happy its their day so be happy and cheer up, i hope mens will treat your wifes, parteners with love throughout the weekend.

  • Reply
    March 8, 2013 at 9:28 am

    i celebrate every strong woman out there and myself for never giving up. hurray!!!!

  • Reply
    Hadiza usman
    March 8, 2013 at 9:40 am

    Today,I join the millions of women’s voices standing in solidarity in defeoce of the woman race.

  • Reply
    March 8, 2013 at 10:46 am

    same to u Staph,enjoy u day

  • Reply
    Tonia otaigbe
    March 8, 2013 at 11:45 am

    Happy womens day,i celebrate those women who had gone thru tick and thin in d past 4 d younger womens freedom 2day.

  • Reply
    pamela ogwuegbu
    March 8, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    International Women’s day
    The woman is the most endangered specie on the planet at the moment. She has been reduced to breast, sex symbol and a thing that must be used by men. Her voice is not heard because she is perceived a weaker vessel and not seen by many as good enough for the No 1 seat in most nations. She has been beaten and battered by many that she has had to pay for marrying a man with her life yet no one is fighting her battles. She has worked herself to death trying to play her domestic role while he sits in front of TV not lifting a hand to assist yet wants a piece of her body at night not considering her tiredness. Now she feels it is a curse to be a woman. Hmmmm she has been labeled for exposing her body and soliciting for sex to pay her bills yet not one cares to find out the man that has dealt with her and stolen her innocence because every woman is a reflection of a man who has either built or destroyed her. She has given her all to a man who doesn’t care about her and threatens her daily. She has gone through the valley of the shadow of death of child birth to give him a baby yet has been abused severally as a reward from the same man whose seeds she fertilized and sustained for 9months. One was still thrown out by the village man in corporate attire called ‘my husband’ that she married for questioning his sexcapades with the househelp. Should she have congratulated him or play deaf and dumb? Anyway it is another International women’s day celebration and let every man know that men who mess up women never end well except you apologize and repent; a man who beats a woman has lost his manhood and become a beast and is not fit to live with any woman; a man who abuses a woman has earned a place in her hall of shame. It is time to apologize and celebrate our women again and today should mark that beginning. Women! We are sorry.

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