Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years. It is best known for treating skin injuries, but also has several other beneficial effects on health.
Aloe vera is an excellent addition to a healthy maintenance regimen. The useful parts of aloe are the gel and latex. The gel is obtained from the cells in the center of the leaf, and the latex is obtained from the cells just beneath the leaf skin.
Aloe vera has many amazing benefits such as:
1. Heals burns
Aloe Vera is often used to treat burns due to it’s soothing, moisturizing, and cooling properties. If you have a sunburn or another mild burn, apply aloe vera a few times a day to the area. If you have a severe burn, seek medical help before applying aloe.
2. Skin care
Aloe vera can promote healthier skin. Researchers also report that it can hydrate through three epidermal layers of the skin when used topically. Aloe provides the benefit of driving nutrients and other constituents into the deeper layers of the skin, which promotes epidermal health.
3. Heartburn relief
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive disorder that often results in heartburn. A 2010 review suggested that consuming 1 to 3 ounces of aloe gel at mealtime could reduce the severity of GERD. It may also ease other digestion-related problems. The plant’s low toxicity makes it a safe and gentle remedy for heartburn.
4. Promotes oral health
Aloe vera toothpaste and mouthwash are natural options for improving oral hygiene and reducing plaque.
5. Lower blood sugar
A study found drinking two tablespoons of aloe vera juice every day for two weeks helped lower the blood sugar levels among people with type 2 diabetes. Triglyceride levels of the study participants also improved — a big deal for those with diabetes, because they’re at an increased risk of developing heart disease.
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