Steph's Lounge

How To Take A Good Selfie

Selfies can be a fun, quick way to boost your self-esteem and show yourself some appreciation — don’t let people make you feel bad for taking them, especially if they make YOU feel good!

There are no laid down rules for taking a good selfie. What works for one person might not work for the other. But here are some tried and trusted tips for making your selfies come out great every time:

1. Know Your Best Angles: Is it the right side or the left side? Chin up or chin down? Know your “good side” and take the photo from that side of your face.

2. Lighting is Everything: You need good lighting. Natural lighting is always best.

3. Smile Like You Mean It: Flash a real smile and no image will look bad. Natural smiles are always better. A sad face or a frown will not help.

4. Pose With Something/Someone New: Perhaps, you just got a new pair of glasses. Or you recently had a new hairstyle… show it off in your selfie. Or if you just met someone new, pose with your new friend.

5. Take a Full-Body Shot: A full-length mirror works well for this type of selfie shot. Again, angle your body to the left or right, which is generally more flattering than shooting straight on.

6. Filters/Editing:  Natural is usually better. But if you can’t resist the temptation of a filter, just try not to overdo it. 

So, do you have any other selfie tips to add?

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