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It’s a New Month! We ask four women what expectations and aspirations they have for March: “They just announced a new president of Nigeria. Although this is not what we prayed for, I hope we survive it. I hope…

Steph's Lounge

It’s March! Happy New Month

Hey dearies, Welcome to the month of March! Unending favour, prosperity and good health are my wishes for you. May your dreams come true, May all your wishes be fulfilled. Our God is a mighty God He is the…

Make me fabulous

5 Ways To Read More Books

One of the goals I’ve set for myself this year is to read more books. I say this to myself very often and sadly do not go through with it all the time. But since this is a goal…

Steph's Lounge

Goodbye February, Hello March!

Wow! March is here already. The month of February sped by pretty fast, didn’t it? Its time for a fresh start, a new beginning, another chance at living your dreams. I love new months because it gives us the opportunity…