We always think it is only those who have it all figure out that should show gratitude. First off, nobody has it all “figured out”; and also, it is actually those who lack a great deal that really should show gratitude.
Because when you believe you don’t have enough, you want something greater than human assistance. Right? You need God to move in your favour. Especially if nothing else seems to be working. When you show gratitude for what you have, you allow for the doors of opportunity to open right before your eyes. The doors have been there all along, but your grumbling and ingratitude blind you.
So let us cultivate the habit of true gratitude.
Are you ready? Here are 10 ways you can show gratitude:
Tell the most unlikely person in your life how they have helped you discover self.
Cook and offer someone in your neighbourhood who needs the food more than you do.
Call someone you know who is going through a rough patch and lend them your ears. Just listen without judgments.
Volunteer to help at an orphanage home or help with sanitation at the community market near your home.
Cool your road rage; listen to music that heals your heart when you drive. Let the car beside drive into your lane if s/he wishes. It’s not the end of the world.
Share an inspirational story with someone- a story that changed your life.
Take a bottle of wine to your father/mother; spend the hour with him and gist about life. Only about things that make you both happy and trigger laughter.
Forgive those who have hurt you. Just let it go. Anger only damages.
Give genuine compliments to everyone you meet this week.
Tip the door man or the security man.
If you want to receive, you have to give. Give of yourself with a genuine heart. May the universe respond to your deepest desires.
Happy new week!
xoxo SL
Ezem Chinedu
April 30, 2017 at 4:08 pmAmen
Racheal Edward
May 6, 2017 at 2:10 amVery true.
We can be anything but ungrateful!
A grateful life is a blessed life
Gratitude pays
Helen onoja
June 6, 2017 at 9:06 amSteph pls make me fabulous.