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Read This Before You Sleep Tonight

So what do you do at night before you sleep? Do you watch television? Do you surf the web and this is how you found this blog? Or do you spend quality time with your family? What about successful…

Steph's Lounge

If You Were A Book

Books are very important because they have been around for a long time. Books are timeless, and like a three way bridge, they preserve the minds of those that came before us, serve as custodians of present realities, and…


Book Excerpt: Forever There For You by Chioma Nnani

I got to know about the Nigerian writer Chioma Nnani some few months back and have been impressed by her fiesty attitude which I see reflected clearly through her writings. She is the author of ‘Forever There For You‘ a Christian…

Make me fabulous

5 Ways To Read More Books

One of the goals I’ve set for myself this year is to read more books. I say this to myself very often and sadly do not go through with it all the time. But since this is a goal…