Blog Health & Fitness

Did you know: ATM machines are as dirty as public toilets?!



If you missed this report, then here it is:

Pressing the ATM keys to withdraw money is just as dirty as placing your hand on a public toilet seat. Cleanliness tests have acknowledge that ATM machines have as much bacteria as public toilets. Swabs taken from a cash machine keyboards and from public toilets found both samples had the same bacteria known to lead to sicknesses, like diarrhea.

Since we have cultivated the habit of using hand sanitisers; this is only a kind reminder to use it also AFTER using an ATM machine.

Be safe. Stay healthy!



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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Ezem Chinedu
    August 7, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    Thanks for the vital information. You are worthy of emulation.

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