Sometimes I wish I had a typical daily routine to stick with everyday, or at least every week day, but nope – my schedule is more random than that.
There are however some things that are usually a part of my daily routine:
My morning prayers: I’ve got to give thanks to God and commit each day into His hands. I am absolutely nothing without God.
Breakfast: Yup! Sometimes when I’m on the move, I forget what time lunch is and may even skip that entirely, so I like to start my day with some food in my stomach.
School runs: Moms, Dads and wonderful guardians know just how hectic but fulfilling this can be!
Screen time: This comprises of a bunch of things I do on my computer or phone such as sending and responding to emails, writing business plans and proposals, writing stories, checking out scripts, scheduling meetings, blogging, updating social media, responding to social media messages, training, mentoring, and much more.
Meetings: From project planning to just making good connections, attending meetings take a good chunk of my time on weekdays. This could be physical one-on-one meetings, long phone conversations or Skype calls.
Rest: If you don’t rest, you’ll burn out. And that’s the truth! Rest for me could be reading a book, watching a movie, talking with friends and family or actually sleeping.
Like I mentioned earlier, my schedule is not consistent every day so things change quite a lot!
How about you? Do you have a typical daily schedule? What’s a typical day in your life like?
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